• You need to have the wiring checked.
  • An electrical problem, maybe?
  • Sometimes, when it gets colder and the wires "shrink up", it (the cold) may actually pull the wires across the contact point as it shrinks, causing your doorbell to ring. Either that, or the neighborhood kids are hitting your doorbell and running like the wind! P.S. Which means, there are some loose wires.
  • It sounds like a prank but let's reason here.... If your doorbell is a simple one with no special features then there is no timers or clocks which could cause the doorbell to ring at EXACTLY the same time everyday. However, if for some reason your doorbell has or is attached to some sort of clock or timer it could be that that device is setting it off at that time. If the doorbell is battery powered it is possible that it is a signal that the batteries are low and it will continue until the batteries are replaced. Outside of that consider all electronics in your house that have clocks and timers. It could be that they are the culprit and are sending a signal (remotely) that is causing the doorbell to go off. Once you've checked the doorbell and it has no apparent issues unplug/disable these devices to see if it still happens. Another thing I'd try is to dust the doorbell button with flour overnight to see if it has been tampered with. I don't beleive in temperature fluctuations due to the exact timing. Good luck
  • Is your doorbell battery operated? I have the same problem, finally figured it out. Someone was picking my neighbor up for work at 6am. My neighbor across the street has the SAME doorbell, it is his doorbell getting rung! I am now trying to find out if the frequency can be changed. I have since found out this can happen with garage door openers... anything, note who is outside anywhere when your alarm goes off. Try ringing your own doorbell, and see who comes to answer THEIR door!
  • Obviously a very punctual ghost.
  • You're gonna die i 1207 days. just kidding.
  • I would say: a) wiring problem, but because at always 12:07; that is ruled out. b) remote bell, low battery, some one else with same remote; possible but unlikely for it to always happen at sametime. c) punk kids, possible; butkids are not the punctual. d) door bell possessed by devil, most likely, exorcise the devil, send him the local 24 hour fitness gym and get a good night sleep.
  • maybe it's a wake-up call from God? Genesis 1:27 Man and woman were created in the image of God.In the image of God He created them.
  • Either punks or your wiring. Either way, I'd disable that door bell.
  • Check the doorbell, maybe something is in it..maybe some rain water or small 12:07 bug moving around and just hits at that time:D
  • I once had that happen to me around 2:00 a.m. We have different ringtones for the front and back doors. I knew it was the backdoor. I peaked out the window and all I saw was a cat near by. I waited and my astonishment the cat jumped upon a rail and was batting at the lit up doorbell button. Later that night he must have done it again, but this time jammed the button so it kept ringing. It was a freak thing...never happened again.
  • I had a wireless doorbell. It meant that my neighbor's doorbell was ringing but it was miswired and then the doorbell was always ringing! Maybe that's it? We were always unpleasantly surprised :D
  • You have punks, exposed wires would either short and remain shorted or they would corrode and will not make contact, it's only 10 volts on those wires.

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