• Cough syrups taste bad so that children will not treat them as sweets. If they taste nice, children get hold of them, drink the whole bottle, and die. Maybe not your children, because you are careful. But certainly some children, and too many children in the past.
  • Time for a history lesson on drugs, dear. Cough Syrup contains a drug named "Dextromethorphan" or "DXM." This was approved by the FDA back in the 60's in TABLET form under Codine tablets. DXM at low doses is an effective cough suppressant, but at doses 5 to 60 times the recommended limit, DXM creates strong hallucinogenic and dissociative effects similar to PCP and Ketamine. The abuse of DXM was so strong that after a while the FDA took the Codine tablets off the market and replaced them with disgusting tasting "Cough Syrup." Almost half of DXM abuse stopped instantly because most users would rather take a pill than down several bottles of cough syrup in order to get their high. But in all, it's not JUST to remove drug use. DXM itself has a very nasty bitter taste and believe me here - the syrup tastes better than the drug itself. In short, 1) Remove recreational use 2) Mask taste of DXM without use of tablet

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