any dirty joke that they heard within the past few minutes...or so i've been told
Is this a trick Question? hahaha 2 things and the second one is girls.
some girls. uhh football. but most dont really know what likin a girl truly is. not grades. how much they hate their teachers. some more.
Middle school girls;)
trick question, guys don't think
I only can go by their actions, I couldn't read their minds (Thank God). All they wanted to do was play video games and come up with excuses why they couldn't do anything else.
Sex, video games, sports
On a serious note I was thinking a lot about schoolwork and my future, as well as the immediate situations and everyday struggles such as acne, bullies and loneliness, and was just trying to understand life. Sure I thought a lot about sex, but had just as many neurotic thoughts as sexual ones.
well that one is obvious. GIRLS!
video games raising chickens helping with the dishes an after school job and finally, tax law.
middle school boys only think about ME!!!!!!!!!
Skate boarding, and Hoyties. Greenbean
-girls -girls -football -girls -unless they are gay then --- boys
Video games TV RPG Card games Sports Girls I'm not sure about the order... ;-)
we think about women and sex and how to cheat on tests.
let mee let u on a little secret most of their thoughts are preverted full stop :D
why do you have to ask?
middle school girls
why is there hair down there
SEX,GIRLS & SPORTS (at my school its sex, girls,skateboarding and football)
Those that have already gone through puberty think about girls and sex. Those that have not are still thinking about comic books and sports teams and food. Always food.
Girls Girls Sex Girls Football Girls
well wat i think is how to get away from the bullies
Ass titties pussy
Slacking off in class. lol
8-18-2017 Why everybody they know hates them.
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