Well if you violated a traffic law and the cops are after you, I'd say. Yeah! Sure it's normal! What? Those lights are supposed to have that effect. What did you do?
Yes, it's normal. No, don't ever admit that you know that you violated any law, that's an admission of guilt. Just say "No, officer, why are you stopping me?"
Heck yes......I even forget my name. And I haven't done a thing!!!!!!!!!LOL
I think their(Police) power are overwhelmed.
yes... police are intimidating on purpose. simply remain calm and it will all be alright... you can actually get in his face a little, show him youre not scared and he will back off. ask for his badge number and make sure he sees you write it down. he will be super nice.
Policemen are suppose to scare you. Just stay calm, nothing wrong can happen. Unless he takes out his gun and ...
Cops are trained to be naturally intimidating, I don't know of a single one who goes out of his/her way to be "helpful to the community". So yes your experience is normal, just remember, you don't have to answer any questions, cops will try to intimidate you, lie to you (which they legally CAN do), and bribe you with offers of "recommending to a judge that he goes light on you. These are all a bunch of bullshit, you have rights, use them! Don't answer a question without a lawyer present, NEVER consent to a search, if a cop asks, say "I do not consent to any search, may I go officer?". Be polite, but be assertive. Never admit to any crime, and never believe what a cop tells you, they can legally lie to you, they will. Remember, when cops are after you, their always dogs, don't believe em, don't trust em, and don't let them intimidate you.
I do the same thing! I get nervous even if they dont have the lights on. If a cop is behind me I start looking at my speedometer, I pay more attention to it than the road so then I start to look like I am drunk. I have bad nerves, a lot of people call me a P*$$*
Yes, it is natural, but police are treating just a minor traffic voilators, as they just killed some one.
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