Excuse me if I am "Politically Incorrect", but my answer is no. It will make me feel uncomfortable. That's my honest answer.
If I loved them no question about it, I would still date them. If we are talking about a new relationship then I probably wouldn't begin something with a person with HIV and definitely not with someone with AIDS. I would be friends, but nothing more.
Not if I knew that person had HIV or AIDS, no. I'd be a good friend, sure, and support him/her in whatever way I could, but the only people I want to start dating are those I can see myself being with in a relationship. If we were already involved, I wouldn't just drop the relationship - unless I found out the other person had lied about the HIV/AIDS status.
I dont think i could..only because I would think about my children and what would happen if I got HIV/AIDS from my partner and then had to deal with the illness and maybe even die from it. I would think what it would do to my children if I got sick, all the stress they would go through, or the hell they would go through if i died..and this is something i chose to do, does not seem worth the gamble to me.
Honestly? No, I don't think I could begin a relashionship knowing that they had a terminal illness....
No, I dont think that I could start a new relationship with someone that has HIV/AIDS... I am saying this not out of fear of contracting the disease, but out of fear of losing this person... I have seen too much death and hardship and my heart goes out to anyone that may be or have been in this situation...
If it was a new relationiship i really honestly dont think i could for the simple reason you know that the illness is eventuall going to take them away from you and knowing that person is going to die is a bit to hard to deal with, i would be their friend and confidante and a person of support but i think it would be very difficult to be in a relationship with them I am very sorry for your loss x
No, I don't think take it.
Not start a new relationship although I have friends who have died from AIDS and would never drop a friend because they had HIV or full blown AIDS. If for some reason the person was my partner whom I loved was diagnosed with the desease ,as long as it had not been contacted in an unfaithful liason I would stay with them and love them until the end. That is the worst thing that you know eventually it will be much sickness and death unless they soon find a cure . I pray they do for all those that are already sick.
I would honestly say no for my very health and body.
YES. people are people reguardless. Its is a manageable condition. Would you date someone with diabetes? God the ignorance of people is sickening
No I wouldn't
im sorry to say, but no,
Yes, of course I would. But there would have to be honesty from day 1(..or sexual encouner 1....).And there would be rules to the relationship. It isn't who you are's what you are doing with that person that is potentially dangerous. There are many enjoyable ways of enjoying sex that do not transmit the HIV virus. And if you are really attracted to someone you make allowances, you learn to concentrate not on what you can't do..but more on the pleasure you can give and receive.
Since this disease is manageable at present, and non-communicable if one has half a brain, this would not enter into my decision.
Would I start dating someone I knew had AIDS or HIV? No.
I would not start dating someone with HIV, no.
No I'll pass
No. The reason for that is because I'd never have sex with that person & there would be no point in beginning a dating relationship that had no potential for a future (for me anyway). Yes, I know there are circumstances in which HIV viral loads are so low the possibility of transmitting it to someone else are almost 0, but I could still never take that chance, personally. but I wouldn't judge someone for having a different answer than mine, as long as it was an educated decision.
Never. I worry my resolve to not to have sex with that person would break and I would be exposing myself to a dangerous disease for something I consider not worth it for the risk.
No i would not. For one I want to have children and to get married. I am not sure how it all works but I'm guessing I would not be able to have these things with someone who is HIV Positive therefore dating that person would be pointless to me. However having a friendship would be more than okay.
Yes , but I wouldn't throw too many , they're expensive.
maybe - depending on how much i love this person and i wouldn't kiss or have a sexual realationship
Yes, I would
NO..i would not sorry to say
Yes i would date a girl that had hiv or aids
I think my decision would narrow down to whether she was honest to me about it or not.
It depends on the person, I can't say I wouldn't date right off the bat.
Yes, I know the proper precautions.
That's a REALLY tough question. I think I could, if I had a great connection with her.
it depends so much on the person you have to find the person worth it
Only if I had it too.
If I'd date him/her otherwise. I'll admit that if I was on the fence about a person, that'd probably tip me away, but it wouldn't push me away from a person who I felt happy with.
Honestly I dont think I could date someone with HIV or AIDS. I could be a friend but no I couldnt date someone with the disease.
No, because a relationship is an investment of sorts; one who is diseased isn't a long term investment. People want to go into a relationship thinking this is the one; forever. I just can't see the point of planning a future by making funeral plans for that kind of situation.
not at all
um.. no?
I would. If you asked me 6 months ago if I would I would have said no. Definitely not. I met someone recently though who unfortunately has HIV. It freaked me out at first but the more I got to know him and actually researched for quite a while and assessed the risks, I decided that I defnitely could do it. I understand the risks and consequences and I am not putting letting that ruin anything. We connect on a level Ive never experienced, I cant explain it. I am very careful and very happy. Its not about quantity or longevity of love its about quality of love. I wouldnt be able to live with myself if I just let this go. Just my opinion..
I would like to say yes but i can't. I'm negitive and someday I do want to get married and have family. Which would mean unprotected sex and I dont really want it.
It's possible.
whaoo,thats a big question Thats hard,its really hard to date someone with HIV?AIDS.i say no
Hell no. I also wouldn't gargle with nitroglycerin or carry live hand grenades in my pockets.
Not knowingly.
I am being completely honest. I don't think I could do it. If a girl that I liked had HIV, I would probably not take it to the next level, simply because I love my life, and I wouldn't want to get killed by something that could have been prevented such as an STD.
Mostly no.
I would definitely be friends with a person with hiv/aids, but I would not date them...typically you date in hopes of getting married and building a life together. I know sex isn't everything in a relationship, but it's important to me; and I would never have sex with someone who has hiv/aids. Therefore, why bother dating...
DAMN! ALL of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I am HIV-positive, and I have been for 19 years! I am a 44-year-old man, and I am happily (same-sex) married to an HIV-negative man for 7 years. We have had an active (safe) sex life all this time, and he is still negative. I am NOT DYING; I have an undetectable viral load on medication for the past 8 years. I am an adult gymnast/acrobat. I work full-time as a medical professional. I am muscular and healthy. And I am perfectly worth dating. And I know HUNDREDS of guys just like me, who are NOT dying, who ARE good-looking, nice, intelligent, integrity-laden guys. People who are HIV-positive in the 2000's are NOT dying, and we are NOT "unworthy" of relationships or even sex. All you have to do is use condoms (yes, they work; and NO, people do not get infected by condoms breaking any more than they get struck by lightning while being eaten by a shark; it's those kinds of odds!). All of you need to get educated about HIV, not just succumb to your own wives' tales and hysteria about it. It's not 1990 anymore, folks. Wake up. Get over your own irrational fears. There is too much stigma. If you "won't date" an HIV-positive, do you also not swim in a pool that has Black people in it? Do you leave any club that accepts Jews? It's the same level of ignorance about HIV that we heard about Blacks and Jews in the fucking 1950s! And don't give me that "it's just a personal preference" crap. That's what Racists have been saying for years. I don't buy it. Prevent HIV. Fight HIV contagion, not PEOPLE with HIV. End of rant. Live long and prosper.
No. I've lost two acquaintances to AIDS. I would not do it.
No. That's a dealbreaker, like bad teeth or cussing.
No, i would feelin uncomfortable, i would be a good friend but not date them...
Hell no..who in their right mind would do that..WHATS THE POINT..if you eventually want to have sex with them..are u going to?
To all of you who claim you wouldn't start a new relationship with someone with HIV: If you were infected with HIV tomorrow, would you be worthy enough to date?
Before 3 weeks ago i would have said no but my opinion has changed and now yes i could. 3 weeks ago i met a guy (i am also a guy) who i had spoken to online for a year prior. We decided to catch up and realised that we had more then just a friendship. The day after he was honest with me and told me that he was HIV Positive and gave me the option to run then. I am scared of heaps of things about it, im concerned for my own health, what sort of life he has ahead, how family will take it, i have already had friends comment on it, i have already lost mates because of it. But i say give someone a chance, they are still human and alot of the time it either was not there fault they have it or yes it was a mistake. There are ways to prevent contracting it and if you feel something for someone then do it.
Nope, I could be friends, but no dating.
thanks for your answer
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