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  • If the concept doesn't appeal to you, then you personally aren't missing out on anything, because you wouldn't enjoy it like a man does unless you have an interest in other women. As for smell and taste, it's really a hormonal thing that makes them so appealing to guys. The stuff that gives off that smell and taste is geared spicifically to turn on a guy's hormones; it probably wouldn't affect you body chemistry like it does a guy's.
  • I personally am not crazy about licking a woman's pussy, unless she is extremely beautiful and or very clean. I didn't care for the scent when I was younger, but as I've gotten older it is a turn-on only when it's light not heavy.
  • My recommendation is that you consider yourself lucky, and indulge your husband by letting him and encouraging him to lick and play with your pussy often. I have been with lots of girls that I really liked and thought were cute, but I didn't like their pussies much. It's really a chemistry thing. My wife has an absolutely delicious, sweet-smelling and sweet-tasting pussy, and I'd rather lick it and suck on it than do just about anything else in sex. My wife isn't at all interested in other pussy, and it's a bit hard for her to understand that I'm so turned-on by her pussy. But she lets me lick and play with her all the time, and she is richly rewarded. If you hooked-up with some other women, you'd find some pussies that you just love, and some that you didn't like. It's really a chemistry and taste thing. Good luck!
  • It's a guy thing... There's a natural attraction in that direction.
  • faramones..
  • have to be a guy to understand...I find the taste, aroma, sight, feel and sound of a vagina incredible. Don't try to understand...revel in it, accept it and enjoy the attention. Do you feel the same way about his penis and testicles?
  • When i go down on a women and smell her pussy it makes my cock so hard that i could cum right then and their. The taste of a pussy is out of this world, I could eat pussy all day long if a women would let me do that long enough. If they could make air freshner smell like a pussy or the taste of a pussy i would say i would buy it. Thats how much i love the smell and taste of pussy.
  • I would say you are a lucky woman... If you are not attracted to women you might not like it at all.... I love it personally...
  • He loves it because he is heterosexual. There isn't a huge mystery to it. And the reason you don't find another womans anatomy appealing sexually is because you are also straight. You aren't missing out, just because you aren't bi or lesbian. Enjoy who you are.
  • Tell your husband why he likes smell and taste of your pussy, and if you wana try it yourself, i think you are bending towards ladies (lesbian ) so try it and then tell us, but i also likes the taste of my gf, pussy.
  • Your missing out for sure and don't forget to include Hubby. You guy's will have a blast!
  • Well, as a male you are missing out big time in my opinion. My dick just got hard reading your question --- fuck I love the smell and taste of a nice hot pussy! Ooooh .... But, if it doesnt appeal to you, then so be it. It might be worth a try, but heck, different strokes for different folks.
  • I love the flavors and aromas of a girls pussy. I have many reasons but frist the facts pubic hair and cervical mucus contain pharamons, powerful harmons that are there to make males want to porcreate. That is also why a girls tast changes to a noticeable degree every three are for days with the best being when she is fertial. A girls ovalation tast and smell is mild and sweet with a very strechy and slightly thick juices. thay are more sour before and after that time, and very strong days before bleeding starts. I use to take a pair of my girl friend panties and keep them so that I would be thinking of them when I masterbated it also made it seem more real. No two girls are even close to looking smelling are tasting the same If your husband loves yours so much your more then likely the best he has ever had.
  • if u let me smell and tast ur pussy, i can give u a real answer
  • eating pussy is like you having an orgasam its great and it good.
  • OK, having read what everyone else has written, let me just say... The smell is like intoxicating perfume for your husband. The taste tantilizes his taste buds. The sight is a feast for his eyes. The texture, on his tongue, is like nothing else in this world. You are a feast for 4 of his senses and provide much pleasure for him. Lay back and enjoy his enjoyment. It might just curl your toes!
  • I enjoy giving oral sex even more than receiving it and I think the taste and smell of a woman's pussy is great. I go down on my wife almost every time I'm with her because I enjoy it so much. I like to finger her to get her wet first and then take my time licking her. The feeling of her contractions when she cums against my face gets me really hard.
  • it does not appeal to you cuz your head is not down there...haha....but, like most guy's, i love to go down south on my is heaven.......hope this helps.......Brian.......
  • i think you should go to a girl look at her pussy then you will know why he loves it so much
  • ok well I'm a female and I can say it is so good and the taste of it jus makes me hot anyway. the way she moves when I eat it and to me it pleases all five of my senses cause I touch it, I taste it, I smell the cum, I know I see it, and hearing her moans when she cums jus makes me cum with her
  • Pussy is the most WONDERFUL thing on this earth! I not only love the smell of it, I love the taste, feel, sight, and texture of it! A woman's pussy is very powerful; it can make a man change completely. I've given up everything to be with, and marry the woman, whose pussy I fell in love with. Her pussy smell drives me crazy...I get hard just at the slighest whiff of it!!!! Whenever I have to leave home I always carry a pair of her used panties in my pocket. I hand wash all her panties. A healthy woman's sweet PUSSY smell is life's greatest pleasures and treasures!!!! I LOVE everything about my wife's sweet, juicy, pussy, but the scent of it is BEST!!!

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