• I'll listen sometimes. I'll laugh if they're silly.
  • I used to, but they never have the answers to my questions about the inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible or explain the nonsense stuff, like a man living inside a whale. The old fall back is always "You need to have faith", and since I don't have any, it's pretty useless.
    • Jewels Vern
      A figure of speech is a departure from the normal patterns of language for the purpose of emphasizing something. The simplest figure of speech is the SIMILE. A simile emphasizes a similarity of two things by merely saying it: "You are like a dog", or "You are as a dog". The figure rests entirely on one word. A METAPHOR emphasizes a similarity of two things by saying they are the same; "You are a dog". Next comes a big word: HYPOCATASTASIS. This is a Greek word for name-calling. Hypocatastasis just calls the fellow "Dog!" See Luke 13:32 "that fox", and Genesis 3:1 "the serpent". A PARABLE is an extended figure of speech; a story based on a simile, metaphor, or hypocatastasis. If the story is possible, it is a MYTH. If the story is impossible, it is a FABLE. If a fable includes an explanation of the meaning, it is an ALLEGORY. Don't confuse any of these with LEGEND, which is a supposedly true but unverified historical account (Adam and Eve or Jonah, for example). These terms are not used with any precise meaning in modern discourse. For instance, most people think 'allegory' means "a story full of religious symbolism beyond human comprehension". But when discussing figures of speech they are very precisely defined. Here is a book that lists about 900 figures found in the bible. It is almost the only work in the subject for the last two thousand years:
    • Nick Batchelor
      Can you share me a so called contradiction of the Bible? Thanks
  • Always as long as they are willing to listen to my reasons for believing what I do with equal respect and not jump onto the high ground and insult my intelligence.
  • No, especially the Jehovah's Witnesses. I give them three seconds to turn around and leave before I let the dogs loose.
    • Nick Batchelor
      We come by because we care about our neighbors.
    • Bootsiebaby
      Do I know you, Pustic? Your name rings a bell.
  • I'll listen to anything, but honestly most talk only convinces me even further into Atheism. Blatant intolerance generally goes in one ear and out the other however, I simply don't buy it.
  • Define "listen." :P
  • If someone has a valid argument on anything I will hear them out, but when someone does not have their facts straight, I will correct them quickly.
  • If they're already guests, I fall asleep.
  • Actually yeah... I like to listen respectfully to people who believe that strongly in something. If you can do it without being judgmental, it can be educational. I like to understand people. I let them know where I stand right away and let them know I am not interested in conversion, but if they still want to give me their spiel, that's okay.
  • It depends upon how hard they want to convert me and how much they want to pay to try and convince me. Make me an offer I would not want to refuse and yes I surely will listen to what you have to say.
  • If they are trying to 'convert' me it typically means that they are trying to attack me beliefs and tell me how wrong I am, and I am not willing to listen. I am willing, however, to listen to people who like to talk about why they believe in their religion and those who like to have a two-sided and open conversation (in fact I quite enjoy hearing others' points of view).
  • No, honestly I am not. I've explored many religions and have come to my own decision.
  • Noops, I'm satisfied with my own beliefs.
  • not any longer..i have read and studied and am happy with where I am at...and I hope they are equally happy with themselves.
  • No, I'll simply tell them to come back when they have some reason for me to believe them rather than the other 2000 gods
    • Nick Batchelor
      Just because 2000 could be counterfeit doesn't mean there is not one true Creator.
  • Yes, everyone gets at least one chance to try and convert me - I will give them my undivided attention and objectively analyse everything they say to me. If, however, it is the same person constantly harassing me, I just return the favour : )
  • I listen to what they have to say, because that is the only way of then explaining to them why I don't believe a word of it. Do I do it respectfully? Sometimes, but I don't even expect myself to. Why? Because an attempt to convert me requires that the person either has presupposed the superiority of their own beliefs over my beliefs (usually without having the faintest clue what my beliefs are or why), or the person doesn't care whether what they have to say works for me better than what I currently have. Either way, the person is being seriously disrespectful.
  • To be perfectly honest, I'm far too biased to ever be able to take someone trying to convert me seriously. I've just seen so many attempts my entire life, and you get to a point where it's just a joke. So, I just pretend to listen.
  • Nope, that's why I have doggies
  • i wont like that but i really listen to them ...
  • I am always open and willing to listen to new ideas. As they present their beliefs, I will then ask questions, and I will pay VERY close attention to their answers. I will ask questions till it's obvious how irrational and self-contradictory their beliefs are. I will continue with the questions till they are in tears and go away.
  • No but I love to torment people who try.
  • I am never willing to simply listen, but I have no problem having a conversation with them, exchanging beliefs and whatnot.
  • no, cuase its rude trying to convert someone from one belief to theirs cuase they think its right - I dont like THose people
  • Yes! Then it's my turn:-)
  • No. Plain and simple. I don't care. I'm perfectly comfortable with my disbelief in any deities.
  • Yes, as long as they are not talking about religion. Except, I have never heard about that one.
  • Absolutely not. My beliefs are mine.. Hounding me with yours turns me off completely
  • no ...they are politely told to 'blow it out their arses'
  • I got nothing againest listening to anyone. Whether I listen to them and convert is another story.
  • Hey, I'm on AB, aren't I? LOLOL Seriously, I am prepared to listen, and debate to a certain extent, but I won't keep going just because I am goaded. I know my Redeemer lives. If someone is really interested in my beliefs, I am willing to share, but not battle.
  • No, I do not waste their time or mine. Nor do I try to convert them.
  • Sure, it's not like it's gonna work.
  • Absolutely not. I believe that proselytizing is extremely rude and disrespectful.
  • It depends. If the person is nice and courteous, I will listen out of graciousness. Contrary to popular belief, I CAN be nice and respectful. I will usually wind up POLITELY declining, but if they are nice to me I kind of feel obligated to return the hospitality. If they are a little uppity or overly preachy, I will get catty. I get that certain smile that makes me have to half-close my eyes, bare my fangs, take a deep breathe, and let the games commence. I do what I can to make themselves sound crazy, illogical, or just plain stupid. I don't know why I consider that to be entertaining but I do. Maybe I really AM cruel.... If they are Hellfire-and-Brimstone, I just walk away. They aren't likely to even hear you over their own voice, let alone listen to you.
  • Absolutely not!!
  • are you willing to listen to me pick your worldviews apart? thats the real question .. and the same thing isnt it?
  • Yes, but only if they have a hook right away. I'm not joining some sign-your-love-life-away-and-shave-your-head religion unless there's free cookies or something.
  • I'm willing to listen to why their religion is so great, if they're willing to listen to why every religion is a load of crap.
  • I will listen because I like to learn about other cultures/religions... but they are wasting their time.
  • I will ask questions about other religions and be interested in the replies but NO I am not willing to have somebody preach at me or try to convert me.
  • I will listen to an extent, because it's polite, but I am very strong in my own faith so at some point I tell them nicely that I appreciate their views, but that I am quite happy with my own convictions.
  • I always let Witnesses in and listen to them, give them tea and cake and then put my atheist point of view.I have been doing this for 20 years, so far it a no-score draw. Some have been very lovely people.
    • Nick Batchelor
      As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I appreciated your expression.
  • Of course - I'll listen. As long as they listen to me and respect the fact that I'm not converting to anything. I love having conversations with people who have differing views of things that I do - it's enlightening. I don't listen to people who tell me I'm going to their version of a tortured afterlife for not believing in one god, however. It's insulting.
  • Sure, except for those two ladies that tried to convert me into a pie.
  • Convert me to what? If it's about reigion, I will not listen. I'm happy.
  • I used to, but they all sound the same after the first two dozen or so, and it was clear that they didn't have anything to say that I hadn't heard before. If someone ever comes up with new "PROOF", or even a valid arguement, I will listen.
  • I love to listen to the effort they put in ,but ultimately it is upto me how I should take it :-)
  • I'll listen to them yes, it's a free country and Im openminded, but I stop listening if they really try to push it. or threaten me with hell or something(i dont beleive in hell tho)
  • No, and I will explain why. I am open to all religions and am more than willing to discuss, learn, teach, and just talk with anybody about any religion. I am not, however, willing to listen to someone who is only speaking to me for the purpose of converting me. I find that approach a complete turn-off. And, to clarify, I am also not opposed to conversion, as long as it is the choice of the indivdual and not something that someone is trying force on another.
  • Listening to them wont bring us any good. As long as our concepts don't harm anyone, we got to stick to our belief.I cant think of a world with a single concept. Diversity is necessary.
  • Only when their not trying to shove it down my throat , I may listen
  • No, I have spent a lifetime trying to heal from the brainwashing I endured by my Christian fundamentalist parents. I am comfortable with my beliefs now. That's not to say that I don't seek to grow spiritually, but I do so on my own terms.
  • I am convertable by actions not words. So far Jesus Christ is the only one who has impressed me. I still love those who do not however.
  • no. i don't like them automatically assuming i'm wrong, i have an issue with it. if i ask questions about their religion or they about mine and it leads to a nonheated debate i'll be all for listening to them, perhaps even intrigued into their religion. actually that's how i left christianity, and i'm happy with my decision for myself
  • Yes, usually unless it gets out of hand.
  • unfortunately they tried to convert me to an all electric kitchen.
  • Usually, when people try to convert me, me "listening" is not really necessary. They just do it.....or they try.
  •   Yes, because it is only by listening to other beliefs that one can strengthen and improve their own belief.  
  • I am polite long enough to bow out gracefully, then it aggrivates me alot if they keep it up.
  • In an 'in one ear, out the other' fashion. I don't really care for others trying to convert me. I already believe what I believe. They're wasting their time. Now, that's different if I ask a question about religion and other people answer it. That's when I actually want to know answers. It's also alright to try if I let myself continue the discussion. I do find it weird when people try to convert me to a belief that I already believe in. What is up with certain people sometimes?
  • I have been as respectful as I can be, but it gets very old. I do not try to convert people. When people come to my door for this purpose, it feels the same as if someone knocked on my door to use my washer and dryer . I feel that it is intrusive and very disrespectful. However, I am nice about it.
  • I would give them a chance, if they are telling me something that I don't know yet.
  • On religious matters generally not although it would depend on context. Door knockers get the dogs to greet them. If it was a situation where I have more choice I might be prepared to listen.
  • I am willing to listen to them until a certain point and then I show them the door or I tune them out.
  • I have listened t be polite, but i find their arguments are usually one sided. I would prefer to do the research myself, because I believe you can't truly judge something unless you know something about it.
  • Yes, always, there are many aspects to conversion. I was set in may ways for many years and some fine people here at this site have converted me to a different way of thinking on some issues. I would say then that I am willing to listen.
  • I'm only willing if they flash me some cash in an attempt to convert me to a multi-millionaire. ;) Otherwise, no. 99% of the time when a stranger buzzes me at my front door I open it (I have a heavy-duty screen door beyond it that I keep locked) and immediately tell them, "No thanks. Goodbye". I then close the front door. I do that regardless of what their reason is for bothering me.
  • Depends in large part on if they are willing to listen to me.
  • yes i am beacuse evry single person has their right to express their views and try and make other people understnad their way of life so i am willing to listen and the i will hopefully express my views towards them and have a nice conversation. Xxx
  • Sure I will listen to them scream as I beat them.
  • sure, but the minute they tell me i'm going to hell i get a little less than friendly
  • I always try to be polite when I tell them that I'm secure in my own faith, but once they start with the preaching, I'm done.
  • Not if that is their main goal. When I share my faith, it is not to just convert them and add them on to my list of people I converted. I just want them to have a better understanding of it. Alot of religions are misunderstood. If someone is trying to convert me, i usually nicely tell them that i have made my decision of what I beleive and then thank them for having the courage to go out there and talk to people about it. ~+~
  • For me providing information to enlighten or allow someone to make their own informed decision is one thing. But if the goal is to bring me on over to the other side, that feels like "offense" to me. I am always open to learning.
  • I don't view it as converting most of the time. I just hear people trying to share something with me and I will listen and hope they give me the same opportunity to share my thoughts with them that I hold dear.
  • I always give someone the same respect as I would want. But once sometime tells me I am wrong for believing what I do believe, thats when I politely explain to them why I think the way I do.
  • Not exactly...I have a faith/religion and I'd rather not have someone try to come in and make my beliefs waver. I'll LOOK like I care and when they're done, I'd either explain my situation or tell them I'm not interested. ;)
  • no im not the last bible bashers that tried that at my front door were told to f off before i reported them for trespassing.but i have no problem with people doing it in public as long as they dont bother me.
  • Sure. I'm not threatened by it. I will usually invite them in and discuss religion with them. They usually leave a little frustrated that I wont buy into their religion, but I'm never rude to people who aren't rude to me..
  • I will politely listen and then go about my business. I will avoid confrontation and tell thenm I am happy where I am.
  • Absolutely. If you don't open your heart and mind to other people who seek truth, then you are bound to lead a life that is guided only by you.
  • I am a christian and I know that people HATE being preached at. I am willing to have philosophical conversations, if someone is willing to let it have two sides, but if someone asks for my stance, I'll give it. I think that many people give religion a BAD name by the way that they present themselves. So, i will not oppenly preach at people, because there really isn't a non-insulting way to do it. I know that I am willing to listen to an aethiest give me his or her opinion, so I just keep an open mind and try not to offend anyone.
  • No. I don't try to convert others and don't appreciate others trying to convert me. To each their own, live and let live.
  • Absolutely not, and I will shut them down without remorse.
  • there's nothing wrong in listening... i am the one who who controls my faith... it's up to me to believe or not to believe what he is saying... but as for me... what is truth is within you...
  • Sure I will listen to them.
  • Sure, if they are willing to understand that I will probably not be converted with out brainwashing.
  • no im not the last bible basher
  • No I would not listen to them. If worse come worse I would listen then turn around to say, thanks but no thanks, I am happy with whatever the religion or beliefs I have.
  • God created every thing 4 a reason (poor, rich, disable, mental, black, white, olive, animals, mounntains, ocean, rivers, sky, earth...etc)if u r in doubt his existance, well u better b sure that he exist n all human kinds will be rised up once again n brought infront of him on judgment day. those of u who beleive that earth came by big bang. I'm sure we all agree science is created by mankind n man is created by god. God says I send a holly books to live on the plant earth n guide. every thing is inside those books, except creation of another soul, which only is the powers of God. No man ever tried n can have a power to creat a soul. plz plz plz its never 2 late u still got a time stop living in the dark n open ur eyes, make it work ur minds n c all the things all the natures... every thing has a "start n ending". ask ur self after u dead we r u gonna end up? r ther ppl from past eras with us today? does the science created ppl or ppl invented scince? i will live it on to u?
  • I try to avoid those situations. I'm pretty firm in my beliefs.
  • No. People tend not to approach me like that.
  • No I know what I believe in.
  • Absolutely... NOT!
  • Depends in to what..i will maybe listen but, i am a hard nut to crack
  • I would in the past listen, but I am finding out now that everyone is out to put you down and tell you how wrong you are. How can you argue your case with someone that thinks their religion is the only religion? You can't explain to some of these ppl that they are twisting what is being said so that it fits their lives and so they have someone and something else to blame their problems and irresponsibilities on. I asked this morning why different religions think they can pick and choose what they listen to and do, and I was told that they just want the easy way out, so they find someone else to blame their problems on I myself will not try to convert anyone that doesn't ask for the knowledge. That is not my job. I wouldn't even know where to start. I will tell you all I know and what I believe but I also have enough respect for others to not push them into something they haven't asked about and that ppl don't believe the same way I do and that is fine. To each his own and we will only know which way is the right way when we die and we all know that we can't come back and tell anyone. So live your life your way I will live mine my way and lets all agree to disagree.
  • No, I'm unconvertable. They can take a short walk and a quick drop for all I'm concerned.
  • Always. I will listen to their reasoning, and give them my reasons. Of course, if it only takes one person to convert you into believing something else, you obviously didn't have much faith in the first place. Besides, people, converting isn't just restricted to atheists. A Jew can convert to Hinduism, a Muslim to Buddhism... don't stereotype, people!
  • i give it a listen, just out of respect. sometimes they do it because theyre passionate about that, but it doesnt mean that i'll convert along with them.

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