• No one wants to take on this one do they? I'll give it a go. Its actually an interesting topic to explore, bear in mind this is purely speculation on my behalf, it is only an opinion, so try to go easy on me. I think that any people who take extreme pride in their race to the point of forming an organization is inviting scrutinization by other races. Merely forming these groups create factions that invite conflict. Some of the more controversial ones such as the KKK, White Supremacist Militia, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam have been acused of being, lets just say a little ahem...cough...cough agressive in spreading their word. Some of the groups that I just listed have been substantially more ahem...cough...cough agressive in displaying their pride as a race. Lets be fair, many of these organizations were formed out of anger towards the other race. If fear is a motivating factor, agressive anger is often viewed as a vehicle for accomplishment and motivation ie"...we're not going to take this anymore!" or "...they cant do this to us!" If we look at the two different sides: the opressives and the opressed, more than likely the the group labled the opressives have the numbers &/or the money, traditionally in North America, that has been white people. At a time when a few slaves were gaining freedom, a group of angry white people feared losing what they had, and formed the KKK to flex their muscles because they couldn't have any black (not a term they'd use) people better off than them. The KKK was actually accepted in society, it was like being a member of the Shriners or something! They were going around lynching people, hanging them from trees & they all stood aroung getting their picture taken like someone just "bagged" a deer or prized fish! African Americans had to put up with this for many years and many became more & more bitter...and you can see why. Gradually, over time, some white peoples opinion changed (or at least softened) and a few watershed moments (Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, some de-segregration) afforded black people the ability to form some of their own groups (NAACP, Black Panthers etc.) In their quest to take what was rightfully theirs(equality) ocasionally the lingering bitterness would cause an eruption could it not? If your race is opressed for a couple of hundred years, and now suddenly you can have a say, are you NOT going to take it? ...of course you're gonna have your say, and it's probably going to get a little loud! So for the last forty years or so, the proper steps are being taken, we're definately moving in the right direction (though not quick enough) but there is still some residual bitterness, and some residual bigotry. After the struggle black people have been through, you can understand if they are not exactly thrilled about a bunch of white people saying "I'm proud to be white, white is great, theres no way I'd rather be than white" because to a black person it's just as well they were saying "man, I'm so glad I'm not black, black is terrible!" In the process of coming around to the proper way of thinking, this has also become the politically correct way for white people to think as well, kind of a white mans guilt. On the surface there is nothing wrong with white people being proud of their race, it is just reminicent of a time when white people were a little ahem...cough...cough agressive in relaying their pride. There is a TON more to this than what i've said here, basically it boils down to: people get nervous when white people start praising their own race, too many have worked too hard to undo some of the attitudes that were accepted in the past & they dont want that attitude accepted again or even to take a step backwards toward that! Another point to be made here is that no one seems to take issue with anyones pride in being of Irish, Scottish, English, Swedish, Australian or any other predominantly caucasian country, when they celebrate their culture. Unfortunately African Americans are often grouped in one mass, the diversity of their individual countries of origin are often lost, instead their culture is based on a way of life of an entire continent, or at least most of that continent. So while "African American" when referring to black people is an accepted term, you'd never hear anyone say "European American" when referring to white people, it's just the way it is, you can talk about black culture & you can't talk about white culture, because there is no such thing, except in the eyes of some. Any time a white person starts talking up their own race they wind up looking like some lunitic with a pointy hat on Gerry Springer, and people get a little uncomfortable with this!
  • I see that no one has answered this so I'll take a wack at it. Here's what I think and I am black so yeah. Well it is great to be proud of where you come from I am proud to be black so I see your point but with the history of white people so people would take that out of context. It's like to an ignorant person your saying I am proud of my history of being white. they men diffrent hings. I am proud of my history and things but even that can be taken out of context not every one owned slaves and not everyone is racist and a lot of people weren't even from here some people look white are a re russian or german so unless you know specific details it shouldnt be thought of as racist.But it is the same way with stereotypes why is it pictures of a black boy wit a package of pepsi stealing but a white couple with pepsi is considered not. (katrina picture) stereotypes is all your being fitted to when there is no racisim black white or whatever then it wont be a problem but that will never happen so good luck _open minded american_
  • We easily become confused any time we start lumping things into categories too aggressively (e.g. "I'm white and that's good", or "she's black, and black people are ... (fill in the blank)". The problem is that all categories are abstractions: that is to say, they "chop off" all the details of something in order to select only the general characteristics. Then when we start applying what seems like "common sense" logic to the categories, we're no longer thinking about reality itself, we're thinking about abstractions which have become separated from reality a bit. The more we do this, the more we become disconnected from reality and the more weird conclusions start to emerge. Categories and abstractions can be helpful, but taken to extremes they distort our understanding of reality. So whether one is white, black, or any other color, any extreme preoccupation with race tends to produce problems. This was a key element in the American slavery period: whites took race too seriously, and decided that it justified treating blacks as property. The opposite problem occurred in the 1960's, when some blacks became militantly obsessed with their race and turned it into a justification for preemptive violence. We're all vulnerable to making this kind of mistake. The way to avoid it is to work at being aware of our own thinking; how it works, why we become confused, and how to interrupt it when things start to get out of hand. But that's another topic.
  • I dont want to sound bitter, because I am not, I also am not white, I am Native American. But if the whites had a White History Week, or an all white college, or a White Entertainment Channel, Jesse Jackson would be having a fit. Where the American Indians taken advantage of? Of course, but I wasnt alive during the Trail of Tears, or Wounded Knee, or the Massacre at Palo Duro Canyon, or any of the other tradgedies handed out by the white people. And there are not any whites that were alive when these things took place. So how can I hate or mistreat someone that is innocent of those crimes against my people? Fortunately, we are better off with the white people here. Look at how far progress has taken us. I know there will be alot of American Indians taking offense to what I am saying, but this is just the way I see it. I dont want to live in a teepee wandering around on horseback hunting and foraging for something to eat. Feasting one day and starving for a week afterwards. I dont care what they say, try living in a teepee when the snow is four foot deep and all you have is a bear rug and a small fire. Dont tell me its warm. I have been there. And the blacks arent going to like me either, but I could care less. Lets face facts. If the white people had not brought you over here from Africa, you would be running around over there barefooted hunting monkeys and eating off the land. Yes, those folks that were brought here then were mistreated. I agree with you on that. But that was not you. The ones that did that are not the whites that are here now. Maybe they were kin to some of them, but that is not their fault. You know what I am grateful for? Is that I have a better understanding of the Great Spirit. I know that God says to love your neighbor as yourself, and that love is the greatest thing. And that if everyone loved their neighbor as they love themselves, what a wonderful world this would be. Jesus is going to return some day and He is going to show the world that we can live in peace and harmony if all eyes are on Him. Thank you for my soapbox time.
  • I believe that it is ok to be proud to be white. I am half Mexican and I see no problem with people being proud of their race and heritage so long as they do not undermine other races and cultures.
  • I think heritage is interesting, and I have fun finding out what my ancestors did and what they were like. Being proud of it is silly to me. It is an accident of birth. Why should I be proud of something that I didn't personally accomplish? Each "race" has a fascinating history, has members who are good and decent and members who are horrid. Having pride because of skin color seems pretty lame to me, like being proud of being tall or being pretty. It's not as though you have a choice in the matter, or had to struggle to accomplish those features -- you were born that way. To me they are all just physical features and every person's features are unique. Being proud of what you are -- in terms of what you have accomplished and how you conduct your life is something you have earned. Race is not earned and therefore is nothing to be proud of.
  • Let us all remember that America is "the big melting pot." We should always study our history and learn from the mistakes that we have made in the past, so that we do not repeat them. (This applies to everybody). Ultimately, you should be proud of the character of the man, not the color of his skin. Some scientists state that the future of the world will be one light brown race due to intermarriage over thousands of years. Any thoughts on this theory?
  • My grandparents were German. As far as cultural identity goes, I've got Oktoberfest and Hitler. It's a joke, people! I have great respect for modern Germany. But I never understood why people seek their cultural roots. Far as I'm concerned, I'm just an American. I've got American culture and that's good enough for me.
  • Nothing wrong with being poroud of being white. The problem is that most people that scream "white pride" also have an unexplainable amount of hate for other races. you don't hear Bill Gates saying "white pride" , but you do hear David Duke saying it. People lke him have tainted the term...much like Black Gang members have placed a stereotype on young black men with baggy clothes and braids.
  • Because whiteness is not a nationality. It is an accident of birth. Taking pride in whiteness is racist. You aren't saying: I'm proud of being Polish, or Ukranian, or Lithuanian. All of these places have cultures. You are saying, I am proud that I was born in a place that gets less sun, so that (WHEW!) I wasn't born brown! If the (ahem) "white" people move south of the equator, there is a specific number of generations before they too become "black," requiring that additional melanin to manage not to die in the sun. WHITE PEOPLE ARE BLACKS (sheesh.) We all came out of Africa. Whites have just been north of the equator for enough generations that excessive melanin is no longer necessary. WE ARE ALL BLACK AND WHITE. God. Celebrating the color of skin is vile. and stupid.
  • That depends entirely on who is doing the considering! I know many people who are proud to be white and couldn't care less what others think about it, and because of this, all the non-whites around them couldn't care less either! Everyone is just there being themselves- together!
  • Acually, I don't think it is racist at all! I am very proud of my native american heritage but I don't HATE white people. I think that if you are racist because of this, then we ALL are.
  • What is there to be proud of. I am "white" (although I have never really seen a white person - it is more like pink). Whiteness does not describe anything about my nationality, heritage, geneaology, family history, culture, or ideas. There are many caucasions in the world and thousands of different cultures. To me, being proud of being Scottish has a place, of being French or of having Russian ancestory. Any of those things are descriptive of a cultural heritage. Being white tells me nothing accept that a person is glad not be be "of color." I have never met anyone who was "proud to be white" who was not preaching another agenda to me that I find offensive. Maybe you are different and you love people of other cultures. Be proud of your culture. A good sign that one is is appreciation for other cultures as well.
  • Yes, that is racist and there is nothiong wrong with protecting who we are - all races should be racist, to protect their genetic make up.
  • Thats a great question. But I have no answer. I think its a numbers thing.
  • Having pride in your race, no matter what it be, is a good thing. Having pride in your race, and putting down other races, is a bad thing. You are not a racist if you are proud of your race UNLESS it means you think your race is better. The definition of racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. I am proud to be white. If I were Native American, I would be proud. If I were African American I would be proud. If I were Asian, I would be proud. If I were Hispanic, I would be proud. I am proud to be a person.
  • i think some other people already touched on the main item of contention in this question. "whiteness" only applies to a skin color and not a culture. the western world, the u.s. specifically, has a history of shallow presumptions and judgements based upon skin color, so i see how it is hard to get past this important detail. when immigrants coming into this homogenized "melting pot" show pride in their culture it is often viewed by westerners (north americans specifically) as divisive because they, for the most part, have resigned themselves to their "whiteness" and have forgotten the culture of origin from which they came. having irish pride etc has a different societal connotation than having white pride. in a nutshell: whiteness is skin color and not culture. be proud of your culture...and if you don't know what it is, then find out! being proud of something as shallow as the color of your skin is foolish. you'll be surprised how much perspective you gain when you find out about your country of'll also be surprised how proud you become because you've made it so far.
  • I think is rather silly to be proud of one's genetic or cultural heritage, pride alone is a feeling most wise people want to cast into oblivion, and pride for things that are not derivated from one's actions just makes no sense. Being proud of being part of a particular ethnic group is like being proud because it is a sunny day.
  • I wouldn't say I'm proud of being white. I like who I am. I appreciate my ancestors and the struggles they faced to assist the continuing upward mobility that my family has enjoyed. I guess I could say I am proud of my heritage - and it is, as far as we can tell, all Northern European. But my pride is not due to color. The thing that I am proud of is being a free-thinking individual who isn't too terribly tied down by ethnicity or race. Or even gender. I feel that who you are is determined by what you do and what your parents or their parents did doesn't determine who you are.
  • Because whites kept blacks as slaves 150+ years ago, yet when we as a whole in today's world have nothing to do with that for over so many years ago when we weren't even alive, still get the blame and it's ludacrous.
  • I am white...and proud to be so. I am not proud of what some whites have done, but I had nothing to do with that. I think that EVERYONE should take pride in who they are and try to be a credit to their race.
  • Too much connection with the White Power movement in the South.
  • It isn't really. I'm of mixed race and I'm proud of my white parts. Irish, French, English, German...I'm down with all of them (i'm also Black & Apache.) It's when people start putting white people ABOVE other people that it becomes racist. "White Pride" just really comes off like it puts everything that isn't white below it, as apposed to saying something like "Irish Pride" or "French Pride," see?
  • because people tend to hold grudges aginst other people. and unfortunately there is nothing that we can do about it but keep on living. you dont ever hear of white people complaining that we as a people dont get a holiday like "BLACK HISTORY MONTH" or "CINCO DE MAYO". because we have been pegged as a racist party so to speak. i mean if we so much as utter the word nigger or wetback someones getting hurt or even killed in some areas because most people cant let go of the past. stuff that they cant change. its not like we can go back in time and change what happened. and personally i dont feel bad or sorry for those people. you cant change ignorance, you can only ignor it.
  • I don't think its bad to be proud of being white, you just can't tell other people that they are less than you because they aren't. That I think would be racism.
  • Discrimination on both sides. The truth is you should be proud of your ethnic background no matter what. You should also take it with a grain of salt because all the races have done good and bad things.
  • also think you forget the civilzation was STARTED in africa by the africans. they theories that we were running around barefoot swinging from tree to tree is a commomn misconception. Africa was just a civilized if not more so untilt he advent of Isalm and then things started going bad so get your facts straight. Thanks. Ps. white is NOT ethic nice it is race. PLenty of people have pride in being IRish or German and there are plaenty of show and channels that celebrate it. Look past your extreme ignorance.
  • Theres a simple answer. After aberham L. did his thing white people well some white people started to feel bad for what there people before them did. Over time mainstream americia has dubed it cool to be black therefore being a proud white man would make you a nazi or something. Basicly we live in a nation were the mainstream media decides whats right or wrong. Its racist to be a proud white man because because thats what the tv told you, before there was tv there was this thing called parenting, installing values. And a little insight to all, not to sound racist but every white person should be proud because every domant country is ran by our ansestors in the countrys we came from and the one we built not founded built. again not to sound racist others have the same oppertunities in this country but fail to flourish as a people. In every good neighborhood there are a majority of one race and in bad neighborhoods theres a different race in the majority and these are facts.luvmycolor but all r good
  • Nope, not at all, as long as you don't go around chanting 'white power!', you'll be fine.
  • No. Just tolerate other races having that same pride as well.
  • It is not wrong to be proud of who you are. It is wrong to be proud based on the idea that your cultural or genetic background makes you any better that anybody else is. In addition to this, as this answer has now been placed under a new question, I feel the need to elaborate a little more on the topic. Specifically regarding why it is considered wrong to be a member of a white pride group and not considered wrong to be part of a 'whatever_non_white' pride group. I apologize for the new length of this answer but the new question that it is contained under requires this length to barely begin to deal with the subject. Since the end of the Civil War in 1865, 142 years there have been groups of white supremacists that have sought to suppress people of other than 'white' ancestry, particularly those who are or look like the descendants of former slaves, through various means ranging from outright murder to having separate restrooms and making the minority sit in the back of public transportation. This includes also defrauding those people of the right to vote, a very important point in a democracy. These hate groups have evolved over the years, expanding their hatred to cover any group that does not meet their eugenically defined ideal of 'racial purity'. It is only a few years ago that a man was dragged to death behind a pickup truck to his brutal death in Texas simply because of the color of his skin. When I was young I did not understand affirmative action, the existence of group for non whites that I could not join, being white, scholarships that I could not get because I am white etc. I thought that it was terribly unfair, and in fact it is. I always felt that I was taking the consequences based on the actions of others, I just was not sure for whom or why, and it made me angry. Now, many years later I have finally begun to understand the why of it all. The reason that society tolerates the existence of exclusive non white organizations and does not tolerate white only groups is now clear to me. It is because of the vehemently racist and radical white supremacy organizations that still exist, sadly, to this day. As long as such organizations exist the nation and world will be polarized by them. Had they not ever existed other exclusive groups would not be tolerated. If you believe that it is unfair, remember that these other groups have not as a general practice lynched white people, burned crosses in front of their homes and otherwise terrorized white people as a standard practice. So if you, like I, believe that there is unfairness and that everybody should be treated equally remember that the blame for the current situation of favoritism rests squarely on the shoulders of groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Nations. They are the reason that life seems very much harder for a poor white person than it often seems from that perspective for a person of color. The sickest thing about it is that these hate groups use the situation to recruit new membership, and it is the very existence of these groups that caused the problem in the first place. They are the ones who broke the great melting pot that America was once so proud of being, not the minorities.
  • It seems ridiculous, to me, to be "proud" simply because of the color of your skin, no matter what your ethnicity. Want to be proud of your ancestry? Fine.
  • All people are equal. Look beyond the color. Color is not important.
  • In my opinion its a little screwed up to find pride in the colour of your skin. In the words of FGW: Those who say human races exist contradict the biological definition of ‘race.’ The only people who are "proud of being white" are people who think that "whites" are a different race to "blacks" (and that there is something to be proud of for being the "white race"). In other words: skin is skin - and if you are proud of how you look that is one thing - but if you are proud of "being white" then it is a sign of a problem.
  • no it is not wrong about proud to be white. it makes you who you are and that you are comfortable in your own race.
  • It's a little pointless, don't you think? I mean, sure some people who happen to be white have done some pretty incredible things, but it's not as if anyone ever did anything great specifically because they were white or were able to do wonderful things because of their whiteness. The big difference between white pride and black pride is a matter of orientation. In America there are societal and institutional forces which teach that having dark skin makes a person inferior to light skinned people. There are no comparable systems which foster feelings of inferiority among whites. Hence, black pride is about NOT being ashamed of being black where as white pride is about being positive about a feature which doesn't actually affect the character of a person.
  • Everyone has the right to feel proud to be who and what they are.
  • nope, i didn't pick my ethnic background, i had no say in it. i wish i was bi-racial like vanessa williams, mariah carey and hallie berry. i would rather be coffee with a lot of cream.
  • I don't see why someone would be proud of being any color. You are born whatever color you are and have no input what so ever. What do you have to be proud of? Be proud of your your accomplishments but not your skin color.
  • I don't know if "wrong" is the best word for how I view it - maybe "absurd" would be more accurate. I can't understand the concept of being proud of something like that, because it's not an accomplishment. Where does the pride come in? Now if you're proud of being white because you PAINTED yourself white with a single antelope hair held between your teeth, while hanging upside down and whistling Twisted Nerve, then ok, I can see a sense of accomplishment in that. But being born that way? How is that pride-worthy??? I just don't get it.
  • I am white and proud of it.
  • I guess it's okay to be proud of anything,so long as you're happy with who you are. But, I would rather be proud of something I have accomplished and I had no control over the color of my skin.
  • Asian pride, black pride and everything else is ok except white pride. That is just how society works. That is also why you can get scholarships for being any race but dont expect them if you are white. That is also why it is acceptable to have all black colleges and such but if you even attempted an all white college you would have the NAACP on your door step rioting. White people are supposed to be ashamed of being white and that is something that you have to accept to get along in todays society.
  • No, not strictly speaking. Being either proud or ashamed of how one looks is rather frivolous. Being a person of good character is much more important. It's not how you look, but who you are.
  • HELL no Being proud because of cultural diffrences is wrong
  • I say be Proud of who you are everyone - No it's not wrong
  • I don't think so. It's a part of who you are and your culture. Just so long as you don't think that it makes you better or gives you entitlement because of it. And definitly don't look down on others because their diffrent. Then, it would be wrong. I'm very proud of my Irish American heritage and plan on teaching my boys to be proud of it too.
  • No nothing wrong .But never show any one Disrespect if he is not.
  • Hey!!! i say be proud if ur white. just dont get crazy on me with the (WHITE POWER)!!! that just takes it a little to far. lets face it racism will always be here and its hear to stay. but if we respect eachothers broundries everythings all good...:)
  • WE all have seen both the Bad and Good in any race, but when it comes to the question you are asking the only thing that I can say is that " All those people who think that no matter what the Race is just Plain Stuck on STUPID"
  • It isn't. Ethnic pride amongst whites is nothing new. Your not open minded to recognize this. Most whites do not demonstrate pride under the umbrella of race but rather that of specific,italian,jewish, etc.. All of which are exclusively white.
  • Political Correctness. I saw the point made in above answers that any all-white college, club, organization or celebration of any kind would be met with howls of protest and cries of racism. Any such thing that is solely for the benefit of another race and excludes caucasians barely raises an eyebrow. Discrimination based on race being wrong should apply consistently, but that is far from the case today. This touchy-feely politically correct culture we live in has no foundation in fairness and equality. I think part of it is some misguided sense of collective guilt caucasians feel about the actions of their great great great great grandfathers. The saddest part of this equation is people like Al Sharpton and his ilk playing of peoples fears and anger in the interest of political sway and financial gain. I believe he and Chris Rock should be ostracized for their racism as people like David Duke are. Equality can only be truly acheived when the same rules and judgements apply to all.
  • I suppose people can come up with as many reasons as there are people answering. However, I am very proud of who and what I am. I am white. My parents were good people and they were white. I am proud of them and proud to be their daughter.
  • Because whats their to be proud of? i am white but i don't go yes! what an achievement born white! ye ha
  • Maybe, just maybe, others who hear it sense that it is a way to keep one's prejudice and sense of most importance, of one's own race as better than others..."White" is the incorrect term for any kind of ethnic pride. Ethnicity is not a color. Actually, when referring to race, the correct term for 'white race' is "Caucasion" To say 'white' is more like a signal to others that you mean that both of you are glad you're not like those OTHERS' This kind of de facto prejudice has always been around. Actually it is worse than just plain old outspoken prejudice to which another person can respond with kindness or might respond with anger to ask you to consider the connotation of the words, tone, direct and indirect meanings. What a joy it will be when there will be just 'humanity' 'people', and other words that do not set apart those who have differences.
  • I hope every person is proud of whatever color their Creator gave them. However, (in response to questioner) take the color 'brown', more than one ethnic group is that color: Latino, India people, American Indian, and more. Take "white", now there are so many shades of 'white' including light brown, lightest (even white) Blacks and Browns. I hate use of the word "yellow",as in a Christian child's song: "red and yellow, black and white) and the word 'red' for no one is either of those colors and those called 'red or yellow' find the colors are disgusted with those colors...only drunk alcoholics are red and only people with bad kidnes are yellow. LET'S ALL BE PROUD OF BEING ONE OF THE BILLIONS OF PEOPLE, HUMANS, HUMANITY...UNTIL NO 'COLORS' OR 'RACE' OR ANY DISTINCTION EXCEPT ETHNICITY OR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INDICATE THE DIFFERENCES.
  • simple because white people untill recent history were never ridiculed, hated, and abused just for being white. and yes i am white
  • because it wuz the white that oppressed all other colours. it wuz the whites that hunted and took north america from the natives of the land. it wuz the whites that forced slavery upon blacks. it wuz the whites that tried to force extremely unfair trade contracts on china and when they saw resistance they teamed up in an eight-country war. whites do not have the right to be ethnically proud because they're the ones that have caused all human suffering in all of human history. look at hitler. look at the KKK. look at all those anti-asians in western united states just because asians r taking their jobs and they're not good enough to get better priority on an application. u can say all u want about "thats the past, forget it", but when i hear that i get angry. our past makes up our present, and our present makes up our future. "those who dont know their history are doomed to repeat it". ever heard of that? so dont say "its our ancestors and its not us" thats just selfish. if ur ancestors cud hear u, they'd be devastated.
  • There is just as much racisim among blacks as among whites but in the present political climate it is "racist" to speak that simple truth. When fear of being called racist creates realities like the above then we are getting close to book burnings if not witch burnings. Open and honest discussion of race is a mega taboo and ironically, the more the attack term "racisim" is thrown about, the more true racism we have. And clearly that is the goal of the Jacksons and Sharptons who make their living from racism and can't afford to see it disappear.
  • I don't believe it's considered to be racist to be prowd of being white at all. It's racist when violence or when you perceive others cynically because of who they are. All people should be proud of who they are, where they come from, but not put others down in order to prove their worth. Point blank period!
  • Simple reason: It's an evil mind-control ploy to eventually bring frustration and war. Have a nice day :-)
  • It is not considered racist to be proud of being white or any other race, although race is not an ethnic category. We can all be proud of who we are, so long as we don't take pride in any injustice our ancestors committed. What is considered racist is to believe that your race is any better than any other race.
  • Being white has historically conferred ENOUGH of an advantage. But yeah, it is pretty stupid to be PR%OUD of something you had nothing to do with. It isn't like your skin color is something you ACCOMPLISHED, is it?
  • Oh, The answer to that is simple. Love is colorblind.
  • I think it should be considered the same thing for everyone, other cultural or ethnic groups have Scholarsips, TV Stations,Racial advancement groups, etc... based on racial selection, all openly and publicly sponsored without being labeled as racists. I think they should either be all considered racist or make that possibility available to everyone including caucasians.
  • Culture is a strange thing. It provides the way you can refer to others without offending them. Every country has its own rules of social etiquette which is immersed in habits, prejudices, customs etc.
  • Perhaps because for hundreds of years, caucasians considered themselves to be a superior race and treated other races as being inferior, ignorant and uncivilized. We think our technology is 'all that' etc, but if you've never known anything else, who says you are actually at a disadvantage if you're happy to stay with your lifestyle and not actually encroach on others for financial or lifestyle related assistance? For centuries caucasian races raped and plundered non-caucasian civilisations spiritually, sexually, physically, emotionally and mentally. In Australia, our Aborigines suffered the grossest mistreatment and this is still relevant today because so many Aboriginal women were forced into sexual acts with Caucasian slave owners and it was considered appropriate and recommended by the church (and government to a degree) to phase out Aborigines by 'breeding them out' - ie, by mixing races and gradually easing out Aboriginal heritage altogether. There were also unsavoury practices of hunting and shooting Aborigines for sport. When Captain Cook first came to Australia and thus Caucasians were introduced and began to plunder the land, people and its pre-existing civilisations, it was considered that because Aborigines didn't live according to Caucasian standards - wearing clothing, living in houses, having an appropriate religion or formal western education, that they were non-human and therefore not capable of maintaining land-rights. A law was passed to this effect (I forget the name of the law but anyone curious can contact me and I'll read through my essays and lecture notes to find the law). Aborigines were at risk of becoming an extinct race due to this and now, there are so many who have no idea what their heritage is. Also, amongst Aboriginal culture (as explained to me by an Aboriginal Liason Worker), there are different groups - call them tribes if you like. The liason worker explained how they work as follows: "It's like Dolphins and Sharks, they just don't get together and have offspring, but if they don't know they're a dolphin and a shark, they might and there can be major complications." Similarly, due to the 'breeding out process', several thousand Aborigines lost their identity and tribal sense of belonging and as such, there are major repercussions such as (for example in one case I was told of), Aboriginal individuals being attracted to one another and having sex or marrying and then later finding out they were first cousins or in one extreme case, the product of a brother sister union, that could have (if Aboriginal culture, genetics and history been preserved, recorded and acknowledged) been prevented. So, whilst I believe that caucasian races shouldn't bear responsibility for the suffering inflicted by their ancestors, they should at least acknowledge it. As a teacher and welfare worker, I am still floored by the fact that I've come across students who think the holocaust never took place and that Aboriginal massacres, desecration etc never happened either. I also think that we NEED to remember our history otherwise we won't learn from it and we will make the same mistakes our ancestors made. But that said, I do know there is a trend by Governments to be over-cautious and over-emphasise the cultural suffering of races and thus cause a phenomenon known as 'reverse discrimination'. Instead of ensuring that financial aid is distributed evenly and regardless of culture, the opposite happens and thus causes those who are equally in need but due to not being a part of the 'needy group of the month' end up missing out. So instead of asking, "Why are THEY getting all this money", we need to be asking the governments of our time "Why isn't EVERYONE with financial need getting money". We turn on each other and fight and well, I'm sure I don't need to come up with examples. I'm not saying that all races, indigenous or otherwise, want to be living what we'd consider primitive existences, but some didn't ask for the changes and were happy to remain as they were and for this reason, that is why we celebrate some of the untouched indigenous tribes and why we marvel at American Mormons (if that's the religious group I'm thinking of) who do in fact live without modern day conveniences and more than that, live off the land and don't contribute towards our shocking enviromental conditions. On the other hand, there are also cultural groups and races out there who have sectors that are vengeful and discriminate - some African American groups (only as example, not representative of all groups) do this and whilst they rightfully celebrate their cultural uniqueness, they also become extremists and actively hate caucasians without exception - but please note, I'm not generalising and saying this is the case with all African Americans, I'm only pointing out a group (and most likely the minority of the group as well). Sigh... and I swore that I'd try and get better at and more timely answering questions... Here's where I stand overall: Instead of looking at labels - white, black, jewish, muslim etc., why don't we start dropping the labels and start looking at the person. There are selfish, hurtful, poor-minded people in all cultures and we need to remember that before we stereotype and add fuel to the fire. We should be proud of the people we are regardless of culture, religion, skin colour or race.
  • To be proud of being White, Black, Mexican - Hispanic, Asian & more shouldnt be "Racist" it should be a fact... Lets be PROUD of where we all come from & accept the fact we are ALL DIFFERENT! Be your skin color! BE PROUD & THANKFUL to your parents for having you! Its not racism to be your skin color... IT IS RACISM to think your 'race' whatever that might be... Is better than the others in the USA!
  • People seem to forget that there were white slaves. Tens of thousands Irish people where slaves. Irish children were sold into sex slavery. This happened in the same America that the black slavery did, yet theres no day of remembrance or anything. The Irish slavery lasted centuries. Even before that Ceasar had millions of slaves from wars and sold then to Europe. From the years 1651-60 there were more Irish slaves then the total non slave population in America. From the 1600-1700s there were many more Irish people sold as slaves then African. African slaves were considered better and were more expensive. Because of the dark skin they can work better in hot climates. The Africans were pagans and the Irish where Christians. Therefor that authorized whipping and branding them because they were an offense aginst the Church. As punishment the Irish slaves would get hung by their hands over a fire, burning their feet. When slave owners started breeding the white and black slaves together to make more money, because the black slaves were worth more. This practice was condemned because African slave owners were getting mad for it interfered with their profits. I grew up in the hood. At my school Its 50/50. I remember a black girl in my class said even though she is aginst slavery she is glad to be in America. Even the poor Americans would be considered well off in Africa. Its ashame theres so many hard working blacks in this country trying to move out of the ghetto. Then there are the blacks who think they are above the law and want something for nothing, because their great great grandparents that they never met, were slaves. I don't see the Irish doing that. I don't see the Irish pulling a 'slave card' and getting a way with murder. These are the blacks that start trouble with the poor family's that are trying to get money and give there kids a good life and move out. They are harassed for working instead of sitting around and abusing the system. They get labeled a whitey lover then get shot up. That makes it so hard for many black people. They feel like the are betraying their own people. I see this a lot mostly with teen boys. They are targeted by the local gangs told they are betraying their people. When they get a job they get mugged. Eventually the let in and join the gangs and the circle continues.
  • Political correctness rules the day. Tomorrow it may be different.
  • the king of awesome is white and proud baby!
  • I don't understand whay anyone should consider his/her color to be a source of pride. I'm proud of who I am, and how I handle life's struggles and how I treat others. Everything else is just a story of how I got here, nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to be proud of - because I didn't do it.
  • Tis a stereotype reinforced by a belief that some groups have greater proclivity towards xenophobic behavior resulting from racial pride.
  • imo, it's somewhat racist whether race you are. It's acctually somewhat racist to acctually think yourself to be of a certain race (it is uncertain whether there acctually are different races in humans). It's not racism taken to it's extreme of course, but I think it can sometimes be cause of concern.
  • By definition it is sharing a common cultural heritage. So, it is not considered racist to be proud of being white. Everyone should be proud of who they are, be it white, black, indian, ect...diversity is wonderful and we should use it to learn from one another and not hate what we don't understand.
  • Here's what it comes down to. I just know I'll get downrated for speaking the truth, but bring it on. The truth hurts sometimes. The reason people are offended when people are "proud to be white" is because it's a stereotype that white men are evil and have done the ONLY evil things to people, enslave African people, kick the Native Americans off their land, Crusades, The Holocaust etc. (The crusades were actually Spanish, but if their skin is light then it's all the same to say. *rolls eyes*) We have the bad rep because we did the stuff everyone remembers. But no one remembers that the African people were the ones to SELL their people to America (Don't get me wrong, it was 100% wrong on all parts, but we weren't the only ones to do wrong here), and that they enslaved their own people. Slavery existed WAY before "white" people ever got wind of the idea. But we got stuck with the rep. It's a stereotype that white people just think they are superior to everyone, so if a "white" person is seen being proud of who they are, other people think they are proud of enslaving others, or kicking the native americans off their land. Yes I'm white, but I'm German, and Finnish. Am I allowed to be proud of that heritage? Not ALL german people were Nazis and Nazi supporters, but many people don't believe that either. It's all about stereotypes, and the stupid ideas that people hold on to. Did anyone know that the Mayans used to eat the hearts of the freshly killed tribes, or that they would sacrifice whole people to their "gods"? What about that the Spanish were the ones to blame for the Crusades? Or that in Africa they owned their own slaves- their own people? Of course not. If it wasn't a white person doing the crime they don't want to hear about it. I never "owned" a slave, don't blame me. I never killed in the name of god. I dont commit hate crimes because someone has different pigment in their skin. I'm just tired of taking the blame of all of the stupid, ignorant people who DO the stupid racist stuff. QUIT WITH THE STEREOTYPES!
  • thats the times we live in now,but who follows these times, not proud to be white, and if ppl dont like it kiss off.
  • I don't think it's considered racist to be proud of being white, i think it's dumb. I am Mexican and I am proud of being Mexican, but alot of white people don't even know about their heritage. It sound dumb to be proud of being white. My mother is very light skined, should she be proud of being white?? Since when is white an ethnicity?? White people are from somewhere else also they came here from somewhere else, they are not native to America.
  • This kind of pride NEEDS other skin colors to exist, to compare against. I think its this underlying comparison that implies racism. Of course theres other factors involved, such as the voice of those in power is a lot louder than of those who aren't
  • I'm proud to be German, not necessarily white. I think that there's a difference between saying "German pride" and "White Power", and it really depends on the context.
  • because usually being proud of being white is asociated with hate groups like the KKK, the arian brotherhood and the nazi's. also the white people haven't really done anything throughout history but prove just how unaccepting they are of other races, and try to prove they are superior to other races because they are white. it's an endless cycle we continue to this day. i mean after 9/11 most of america assumed anyone from a middle eastern country was a terrorist. it's not like the white people havent' already proven how proud they are of being white just by their actions alone. it's a statement that doesn't really need to be reiterated esp to a race that has been oppressed for thousands of years. i am white by the way, so this is not a biased answer coming from someone of a different race.
  • double standards anyone? same with gender images, i dont see anything wrong with being proud of being "white" as long as it doesnt come with contemptuous attitudes towards others
  • I think it is silly to be proud of your race, white black asian or anything, you do not choose your race, you are born into it, you should feel no pride or shame for what your ansestors did because it has nothing to do with you. You should feel proud with what you accomplish personaly. I also agree heavily with stapleboys response thats something I have discovered this year, people do catagorize things to make the job of judgement alot easier, and you often do it without realising it.
  • I will venture to say that proud white people are viewed as racist simply because our society as a whole is ignorant and unwilling to view simple facts of the matter. We all know that America was founded by foreigners, accept for the Native Americans that were here, though many of them were nomads. If you look at every single foreign ethnicity that American people come from, you would find slavery and turmoil throughout history, regardless of color. Look at white cultures like the Vikings, Romans, Greeks, and even the English, they all enslaved other whites. Look at the Irish that were made slaves here in America in the 1800's. We all have some other culture we could be angry at for enslaving or mistreating our own culture. If you want to go look even deeper, you would find that black slaves were sold to white American merchants by black Africans that had enslaved them. Its simple history. Tribes in Africa fight amongst one another and enslave the ones they capture to this very day. This brings up the question in my mind, why do so many African Americans feel that going back to Africa would be such a wonderful thing. You would step down from all the luxuries here in America, and possibly be captured by a tribe there and enslaved, maybe even killed. I myself am white, with 1/8 Cherokee Indian in me, and from the south. I am proud of all my culture, whether it is my English ancestors, my Cherokee ancestors, or even my ancestors that fought for the confederacy in the Civil War. I have the intelligence to see that the past is simply that, the past! We should learn from our history, not constantly use it to blame another color of race for the downfalls and perils in our life.
  • its not politically correct, which is also very wrong and posative discrimation

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