Non Contact Infrared Thermometer -- $19.99
While Supplies Last
Febreze or Ozium
trade matresses with me.
look in the mattress maybe he hid some buds
let it air out outdoors. beat on it during the day. you could spray it with room deordorant. fresh scent or no scent. perhaps the other side is not so smelly.
i would worry more about bed bugs than pot aroma. that is so unsanitary, throw the damn thing away.
check and see if it has a zipper, never know what you will find inside
Cover the surface with baking soda, let it sit for a while, then vacuum it off. Both sides. If that doesn't work, spray it with a 1/2 vinegar, 1/2 water solution and let it dry. That should pretty much take care of the smell.
Wow, Febreeze? Steam clean it.
Look inside. If there's nothing there, you'll have to put it outside probably. The smell will eventually go away. You can use stuff to help along the way like spraying with deodrant or something every day, aswell as washing it a lot.
just spray it with 2 things at once but they have to be different smells such as febreze ocean breeze and febreze tropical paradise and then lay down some carpet freshener not spray kind. and let it sit over night then vaccum if it didnt take all of it out repeat the process but add a little more of each spray/cleaner.
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