• try you'll get what you deserve
  • in your dreams?
  • There is directories and web sites that supply names of companies that read potential scripts.Also there is a certain format,such as double spacing etc. that must be followed.Production companies only read scripts that fit their genre,and much rejection is a reality in the industry because the competition is great.If the script is professional looking and grabs the attention in the first few pages the chances of production is better.Many times they want just to see a short summary about a paragraph long to look at first.A good start is to write theater play scripts for local companies and get known that way and work your way up to the film industry.Another way is a collaboration with others on a very low budget video and use each ones talents.
  • Stand on a corner with a sign that says, "Will Pitch Jackass Moview Ideas for Money"?
  • You want the truth? There is no place to do so. I used to work for a moderately sized Agency that represented Actors and Models. I met many a casting director and agent. Scripts hit their desks by the truckload and are never even opened, most are canned. So what scripts do get read and made into movies? Scripts written by the same people in hollywood that have been writing scripts forever. Studios actually hire people to write scripts and brainstorm ideas, rarely do studios ever go outside of their offices for fresh material..that's why the same old stuff gets rehashed for the most part. In the off chance that someone would read your script and liked it they would pay you a nominal fee for it (which is astronomical that would happen), or just have script docters take it and change it enough to use it and not be plagiarizing you...even if they did steal it from you, try to prove they did! Most people who want to get a script into hollywood end up making the film themselves independently and showing it at indie festivals, if a studio likes it they will buy it and either put it out or redo it as a studio film. You could make the film and shop it around hollywood, but it's gonna cost money and time and a lot of rejection. Unless you want to try to get an Agent who could represent you and try to shop the script around but again, that's gonna cost money and take time and probably require that you make some kind of short film or scene for them to watch.

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