• # Rub your body with apple cider vinegar. After rubbing it wear warm cloth and get into a warm bed. # Fever treatment: Smear arrack on the lungs area and the back, wrap with a cloth or flannel shirt and cover up well. # blanch guava and drink warm. # For kids: Smear alcohol all over their body and wrap them well with a blanket for the whole night. # To reduce the fever naturally, saturate socks in vinegar for 5 minutes and wear them. # Fill up a bowl with 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar. Dip a cloth in the fluid and squeeze, put the cloth over the patient's forehead. Keep dipping the cloth in the bowl every once in a while. # Home remedy for fever: fill up a bowl with water and add half a cup of arrack. Dip a cloth in the fluid, squeeze and put over the patient's forehead. # For adults use only! Make a cup of tea, add a few drops of rum or cognac and drink it. # Pour a cup of boiling water into a cup with grind/ cut horseradish root, wait 5 minutes and drink. Repeat 3 times a day. # Mix 1/2 a cup of tea and half a cup of brandy or cognac; drink and cover yourself with a thick blanket in bed till morning. # Tie potato slices on the forehead. # Put ice cubes on your forehead and put your feet in warm water. # Fever natural treatment: Smear alcohol on your feet. # Boil wood sorrel in water and drink with sugar or honey. # Grind barley and mix with sesame. Cook in milk, saturate a bandage and apply on forehead. # Blanch mint to make tea and drink. # Eat artichoke to treat fever. # Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, cook for 5 minutes, cool and drink to reduce the fever. # Grind 10gm of raisins and 10gm of fresh ginger, immerse in 200 ml water for 1 hour, then boil until you are left with only 50ml water, strain and drink warm twice a day.
  • Try taking a couple of Tylenol.
  • Drink lots of water, stay cool, cold compress on your forehead, paracetamol and rest If its because of a virus or infection then the docs will give you something
  • Fever is your body's defense (one of many) against infections. If you do not know the cause and it is a low fever like this it is best to leave it untreated. Potential Causative factors: * Due to infection (bacteria, virus and fungus) - for example: flu, cold, chickenpox, herpes, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharngitis, pneumonia, endocarditis, tuberculosis, meningitis, vasculitis, breast abscess, rheumatic fever, vasculitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, boils, appendicitis, pancreatitis, prostatitis, orchitis, otitis, etc. * Due to infestation (parasites/worms) - for example: malaria, filariasis, amoebiasis, trichinosis, etc * Due to drugs - for example: sulpha drugs, penicillin, overdose of any drug. * Due to tissue necrosis - for example: myocardial infarction (heart attack), liver cirrhosis, injury, malignancy, etc. The best way to get rid of fever is to deal with the cause. Treatment: (just making things easier for the patient) Bed rest in a well-ventilated, cool room until the fever subsides. Sponge bath with lukewarm water. Extra fluids to compensate for dehydration (water, juices, vegetable soups, etc.). A light diet without oil. Extra cover with warm blankets when shivering. Avoid: Coffee, soft drinks and tea When to contact a doctor, From: You should contact your doctor if you have a fever and any of these other symptoms. 1. When fever lasts for more than 48 hours. 2. When accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than 12 hours or is bloody. 3. When accompanied by a cough that produces yellow, green, tan or bloody mucous. 4. When accompanied by a severe headache, neck stiffness, drowsiness and vomiting. This is a medical emergency - go to the Emergency Room immediately. 5. When fevers come and go, you have night sweats and swollen lymph nodes. 6. When a mild fever comes and goes along with sore throat and tiredness. 7. When accompanied by a sore throat and headache for more than 48 hours. 8. When accompanied by severe stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. 9. When accompanied by an earache. 10. When you have been exposed to high temperatures outside and you cannot get your temperature down after attempting cool down measures. 11. When you have recently started taking a new medicine and have no other symptoms. 12. When you have pain or burning when urinating or back pain. 13. When temperature remains above 103 degrees despite medication and other cool down measures (ie.taking a cool bath, cool compresses on head and under arms, drinking cool drinks). You should always consult your doctor if you are concerned about your fever.
  • go to the doctors and get some antibiotics

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