Friends all the way!
I'm a "Friends" fan, too, but both were/are excellent shows!
Ooh, tough decision! I guess Frasier, but I also like Friends.
I remember when television was like that - only two channels and drivel on both.
Frasier. HATED "Friends", not my friends.
well .. but i would choose friends.
Frasier, but I can enjoy an episode of Friends now and then.
I prefer Frasier over Friends.
I like Friends. The main girl has such fluffy hair, maybe I can get mine to look like hers.
Frasier, its more intelligently written and the story lines crack me up lol!
Friends :) !
Friends! I'll be there for you... ! lol
- is genuinely funny, Friends is just silly. Just my opinion.
Frasier please.
Frasier. It is one of my favourite tv shows of all time. I could never get into Friends, their storylines seemed contrived.
good question, hard to answer. I'm gonna have to go with frasier
Frasier. I still remember one of my favorite lines: Frasier: "But, Tom's not gay..." Niles: "He seems to be under that impression." lol, classic.
Frasier, but was a big Friends fan when the show was on. Have to agree that Frasier was a much better written show.
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