• Using something that is repelled from matter maybe? To keep them off the ground??
  • Impossible... They can counteract the gravity force by means of propulsion, but to 'forgo' the force of gravity all together is impossible - it'd mean that the "cars" would have to be made of massless components...
  • You mean blimps?
  • These work by generating an effective stream of anti-gravitons beneath the car. These cancel out the gravitons from earth (which normally pull on the car-molecules). Anti-graviton sources can be created using extremely high frequency, high amplitude vibrations of titanium, or other heavy elements, such that the massX speed moment exceeds the spatial boundaries of the atoms them selves. For thrust, simple electric fans can be used, or an additional antigraviton source to push on the air at the rear of the car.
  • Well, to know how they work, first there would have to be some that work.
  • they might use magnets if they make roads with magnets north facing up then that whould keep them up and you might be able to go move by angling the magnets to turn the car if you have enough counterweight it wont flip over/around
  • They have quantum power systems connected to ion drive propulsions devices and they float utilizing inertial emitters! But every body knows that so why are you asking this question? Where are you from anyway? What's your name?
  • in principle, this is actually very simple. the earth has a magnetic field. generating a field (underneath the car) in opposition to the earth's field is all you need for "anti" gravity. try a search on youtube for antigravity to see video evidence of primitive antigravity devices. in future, our mastery of magnetism will allow us to propel vehicles at extremely high speeds.

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