• 12 degrees Farenheit on May 17, 1979. "Many are surprised at (this) reading. But that was measured at the observatory on Mauna Kea, which is 13,770 feet above sea level. Snow falls there from time to time." Source and other record low-temperatures here:
  • I understand they have, or had (I'm thinking global warming), two weeks of skiing.
  • The lowest temperature in Hawaii, 12° Fahrenheit, was recorded on May 17, 1979 at Mauna Kea.
  • Well, sweet! But 12 degrees at 13 thousand feet isn't that surprising. both Maui and the Big Island have high mountain where it gets cold. I was looking for the coldest temperature in Hawaii AT SEA LEVEL. Like in Honolulu for exemple. I live there and this winter is one of the coldest that people remember according to the locals. Temperature at night went all the way down to 60 degrees and hovers just above 70 some days. 75 degrees at noon today is rather fresh for Hawaii where the median annual temperature is supposed to be in the low 80's. So the question really remains unanswered: WHAT IS THE COLDEST TEMPERATURE RECORDED IN HAWAII AT SEA LEVEL OR LOW ALTITUDE?
  • The lowest recorded temperature in Honolulu is 52 degrees. It doesn't say what year that happened.
  • According to my source the coldest "recorded" temperature was 12 degrees at Mauna Kea on May 17, 1979. This is of course, since they started recording temperatures on the island. Source:

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