maybe we wouldve been in trouble if they were still here
I am asking for a theory of their disappearance.......... not consequences -
Jenny The Great β
It's well established that a major asteroid collision 66 million years ago in the present Gulf of Mexico caused an extended global winter which led to the extinction of 75% of species worldwide, including the dinosaurs, insects and animals on land and in the sea over the following 30,000 years. This also created an evolutionary advantage for warm-blooded mammals.
Ever since the first dinosaur fossil was identified in the early 19th Century, various theories have been put fourth. Scientists agree that an asteroid strike sparked the mass extinction. Or, it could have been that starvation was the cause for the dinosaursβ demise. Climate change is also on the list of theories. Genesis 8:22 "While the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." My theory, dinosaurs existed at the same time as Adam and Eve, but died out before Noah's Flood from starvation and a global heatwave. For this reason, the Bible doesn't mention dinosaurs taken upon the ark.
This is a rather open-ended question. I could simply say that I believe that there are fossils of dinosaurs that look very little like any animals we see today. Or I could go into depth about how modern birds are the descendants of dinosaurs, but the larger non-avian dinosaurs went extinct due to large-scale events that altered the Earth's climate and biome.
Realistically, it could very well be climate change that made dinosaurs go extinct. Climate change can wipe out a species which takes centuries. Some people believe that an asteroid came to Earth killing off the dinosaurs but there is no physical evidence of that claim. If anyone thinks that anything coming from space can come to Earth, they are in a fantasy and they probably believe in sci-fi movies. Climate change is the more realistic explanation for the extinction of dinosaurs but not 100% conclusive. Itβs a guess and anyone answering your question are only guessing because no humans were around when dinosaurs existed. Climate change is a fact and anyone who denies climate change are fools.
Dinosaurs are still around in some museums and such and didn't exist until the 1800's. Before this nearly every culture has stories of dragons of some sort or another.
Dinosaurs are still around in some museums and such and didn't exist until the 1800's. Before this nearly every culture has stories of dragons of some sort or another.
Noah did not bring the behemoths (the term dinosaur was not coined until around 1840) into the ark. Therefore, they drowned. When any animal dies in water their head is normally drawn up and back when the water is moving. This phenomenon does not happen in and explosion such as a comet hitting the earth. Dinosaurs were removed from the earth at Noah's flood just as the Nephilim were also removed.
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