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- ex used to queef just for fun and it made me get the munchies... :-)
When anything is inserted in there, the inward motion has the potential to push air from the outside in and it collects. The removal of the object no longer plugs up her vagina and the queef happens. Women experience it during sex depending on what position they're in - and it varies. You might both want to explore different techniques in sex. It sounds like either he was blowing directly in your vagina during the oral sex, or his fingers caused the air buildup. Switch it up and try different things - ie. how bent the fingers are or stop blowing. In coital sex, the likelihood of queefing during doggiestyle is higher than most other positions. For those who are unsure: Queefing is very normal! The sound of it may be embarassing and unexpected but there is nothing wrong with you.
i always queef, like everytime i have sex.. it's really embarassing and i don't want to tell him what it is so he always thinks i fart while were having sex... i'm not sure why i do so much, i'm 15 and i've talked to my friends about it and they said they never have, so i think that i am weird, it seriously happens, EVERYTIME we have sex, and thats alot...
my sister told me today that she has had a "queefing incident" and was extremely embarassed but got upset with her boyfriend thought that she had farted because of his facial expression...she blamed it on him and says that it totally turned off the mood. i don't know if it is normal or not but from what i's pretty embarassing and i wouldn't ever want to have a queefing incident EVER!!! but you never know considering the fact of how MARK RODRIGUEZ thrusts it in me!!
maybe if you stopped fucking like a goddamn mink you wouldn't have the problem, bitch!
Lmao omg....if your having dang good sex and have experience a queef is a very typical thing. you youngins
do queefs smell??? hm???..........and if they did do they smell good cuz i find that hard to believe that it would smell good?
I don't mind if a woman queef's. It is human nature and nothing to be embarrassed about.
air, yes, and no, and yes
first a queef is a slang term for the sound that comes out of the vagina during the the penis enters and exits the vagina air pockets are formed in there, along with the lubes and penetration, a queef is its not a p****y fart lol humans only fart outta their asses lmao
cuz ur nasty as, only the gross weird ones......yes...and no
i'm 16 and about a month or two ago, i queefed and like it's never happened to me before. like the guy got really weird & we stopped having sex so i like avoid having sex with him now. but i have a boyfriend now & we had sex last night twice, the first time i queefed and we stopped, he's like ew. i read a lot of sumbits from people and saying that it's not a pussy fart or whatever, it's air pockets. i wish that they never had that because it just turns off the mood & get's really weird and the guy thinks your gross.
its completely normal,though a bit embarrassing/funny..its common sence,if he is pullin all da way out n den thrusts it in, air gets in da the vagina n den a queef is born lol
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