• The informal fallacy that tries to elicit feelings of mercy from an audience. An appeal to pity (also called argumentum ad misericordiam) is a logical fallacy in which someone tries to win support for their argument or idea by exploiting their opponent's feelings of pity or guilt. The appeal to pity is a specific kind of appeal to emotion. Recognizing an argument as an appeal to pity does not necessarily invalidate the factual assertions underlying the statement. To illustrate, consider that the exam in the first example may have indeed been graded incorrectly, and all the other facts asserted in the example may indeed be correct. Nevertheless, the appeal to pity is considered a logical fallacy when it invites a conclusion that does not necessarily follow on the basis of valid deductive inference.
  • Condescension.
  • Someone irresponsible and weak looking for solice from someone even more so.

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