• I don't think patriotism is dead in America. I think often people mistake dissent with unpatriotic feelings. I consider it patriotic to support human rights because America was founded on that basis. If the current governing bureaucracy is not acting in support and futherance of human rights, I consider the governing bureaucracy unpatriotic, and therefore it is my patriotic duty to voice my dissent. So, at least in my home, patriotism isn't dead!
  • I think it's alive and well and Americans are probably the most patriotic people on earth, regardless of ideology, politics or anything else.
  • I dont think patriotism is dead. I think people have lost trust for the people that they thought would do whats best for them. People are starting to feel betrayed by government officials and the media on a daily basis. I think people yearn for true democracy and freedom but special interests are keeping those wants from coming to fruition.

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