• Well, my kids have been out of diapers for awhile now, but I've always really liked Luvs. They're very inexpensive and way better that most brands. I hate Huggies, they leak bad. Pampers are ok, but not as good as Luvs!
  • Well when i had one child it was always Pampers, but then the second one came along a year later and to be honest i couldnt afford brand names so i used stores own brands (im in uk so found Tesco was the best) they were a lot cheaper and just as good.
  • Pampers and Huggies are the best. The store brands I have used were not as absorbent and were often misshaped. You can't save money on diapers. You will get what you pay for.
  • When my now 9 year old was a baby, every time I put a pampers on him he would pee right out of the top somehow. I have no idea how, I tried everything. We went on to Huggies for a while, but discovered that Luvs and White Cloud brands were just as good. When my next one came along, 7 years later I tried Pampers once more and they still didn't seem to fit right. We moved on to Huggies and other brands, but the Huggies seemed to work the best for him. It often depends on the child and the way the company has decided to make their diapers at the time. The main companies change them so fast sometimes, it's hard to keep up with them.

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