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If this guy is going to have that much of a problem with you hugging your own flesh and blood, I'd advise dumping him NOW. That's a jealous and controlling thing...could signal abuse.
Why would you want a boyfriend who acts like this?! You can hug anyone you want to,your boyfriend is not the boss of you.Forgot about making him happy and dump this a**hole!
I think that is completely wrong that he is mad at you for hugging your dad. Your dad is your family. We should all show love to our family. You should talk to him, and tell him that you have guy friends and have guy family members too. Tell him that you want to show affection to them.
Forgive me for asking, but are you serious? You have a boyfriend who got mad at you for hugging your DAD and you're worried about making him happy?! Sweetie, please, make yourself happy. Lose the zero and get yourself a hero!
That's beyond a little bit of jealousy. It's your DAD for crying out loud! That's ridiculous. I wouldn't try to "make him happy" with respect to his wishes on this one. It's your dad. Don't stop hugging your FAMILY. If he can't accept that you show gratitude and affection to the people that you love, he needs to leave. You don't need to change.
seems to me if he's as demanding as that only being your boyfriend, why would you want to continue the relationship? Nobody should ever come between you & your parents
him getting angry for hugging your dad is ridiculous and if he's that insecure, he has some growing up to do. Your dads the one that put you on this earth for gods sake. And you can hug whoever you want to hug, and if he starts becoming anymore controlling LEAVE because thats one of the first signs of Domestic violence.
Leave this guy...he's a complete sodding idiot.
Not your's his. Beware. Jealousy is not a good trait. If you can't hug your dad, what happens when you hug a male friend platonically?
What the heck? Is your boyfriend scared that you'll leave him and run away with your dad? I can see him not wanting you hugging other guys, as in guys that are friends. But if you hug your dad for no reason other than that he is your dad, your boyfriend shouldn't even have a problem with it. In fact, he should be happy that you have a good enough relationship with your father that you do hug.
Tell him to get over himself and then tell him GOODBYE LOSER!
Dump him quickly. If he's jealous of you showing affection towards your father then he has serious issues.
I see nothing but trouble, in your future, with this boyfriend. did he really get mad at you for hugging your own father? if this is the case, what will this boyfriend be like, if you two married? jealousy, of this type, will ruin your relationship. A person this possessive, will never let you be your own person. Now is the time to set the rules straight with this person. at this point in your life, your parents come first and he comes second. if you marry, then the roles will reverse. Until that time, if your boyfriend continues with being overly possessive, every male you encounter will be grounds for another mad session. Its your life, do not let one person ruin it.
You actually want to please him after he gets mad because you hugged your own father?!?!?! Honey, drop that idiot, and get a real guy! No one should ever be allowed to tell you that you can't hugs your parents! You love your dad and you expressed your gratitude with a hug and your bf got jealous... that is SAD!
I am very sorry if this is going to sound harsh. I knew only one guy who was this possessive, he was a mental case. If your boyfriend has a problem with you hugging your dad, he has one sick mind. My advice is to get out while the gettins good.
I agree with all the sentiments shown above
You are in for a world of heartache or maybe more if you stay with this guy. He is trying to control you and your best bet is run don't walk.
Do not even try to make this loser happy, just dump the uncivilized animal and look for a guy who is a real human with a working brain instead.
You most likely will not ever be able to make him happy. If he gets jealous over you hugging your own father, it sounds to me like he has personal issues of insecurity and self esteem that he needs to resolve before he is is able to truly love anyone else.
I think your boyfriend may have been dropped on his head one too many times as a baby. He sounds like a very insecure jerk. Don't just walk away from this relationship. RUN !! As fast as you can !!
You already asked us on July 29th that your boyfriend says that you're his property. Any advise? And plenty of people told you to LEAVE HIM!! What are you still doing with him?
You need to tell him to get over himself this is your Father you hugged not just SOME guy!
Grow up, get a backbone, and make yourself happy. Tell him to take a hike!
This is the most unhealthy relationship that anyone can have. Your father is your father and you should be able to show your affection and appreciation to him for a gift. Hope that your boyfriend gets incarcerated so you can be free of this psychological burden. I see bad things for you.
There are several troubling things about your question: - it isn't your job to make your boyfriend happy. People make THEMSELVES happy. If he is putting the burden of his happiness on you, that's flat out wrong. If you think it's your responsibility to make him happy, you will never succeed in making him happy and will be very unhappy yourself. - guys who tell you what to do are bad news. No boyfriend has the right to tell you what to do. He does have the right to break up with you if he doesn't like things you do, or discuss those things with you, but he does not have the right to tell you what to do. - guys who try to limit your affection with your parents are trying to isolate you so that they can control you. - guys who want to control you are dangerous. Stay away from them. If necessary, move, change your phone number, get a restraining order, but get away NOW and stay away. - guys who feel threatened when you hug your own father have terribly screwed up values, and people with screwed up values cannot love other people in the way that they deserve. Even if he says he loves you, love means something entirely different to him than it means to you. Don't make any attempt to make this guy happy, PLEASE! His demands will become more and more ridiculous, and you will lose control of your life more and more with each time you give in. Edited 5/3/08 to correct typo.
Are you serious? I wouldn't even leave that one up to my daughter although we would have a race seeing who would kick his a** up the driveway faster.
He is your father, you have a right to hug him, if you cant hug your own parent without him getting upset, you need to get rid of him. any person who feel it is inappropriate and gets flustered over a show of affection to a family member, a parent at that, is not a person that you should have a relationship, i am in such shock he would say such a thing, quite frankly i find it disturbing for such an individual to think such a thing.
Break up with him, he's retarded and if he's that insecure he won't be happy any other way.
Are you freaking kidding me? It's your dad! You're boyfriend is a LOSER!!! Break up with him now! He's very controlling!
why haven'nt you left him yet. You asked us a question a while back that said that he was telling you your his property,I cannot belive that you are still with him. Please get out now.
obviously if he cant even let u hug your own dad, then there is something wrong with him. there is probably nothing you can do to make him happy.
There is nothing you can do to make him happy. In fact he's looking for excuses to be angry at you by telling you he doesn't want you hugging your dad. As I told you before your "boyfriend" is an abuser. He's right now trying to isolate you from your friends and family so that when he starts whaling on you you have nobody to go to. In fact he's escalting quite rapidly. I see him hitting you in about a month if you don't dump him now. So get the hell out now before he statrs doing even worse things to you.
I've known jerks like him. Just get away as fast as you can. We are talking BLINKING LIGHTS and they spell TROUBLE. Don't even try to figure this guy out. Get far away from him.
He's trying to control you. Your dad is family... you cant change that. You CAN change him though. If hes that bad about hugging family then he has some serious issues. Once he finds out he can control you with one thing, it will become another, and another....
hmmm. sounds like your boyfriend is insecure. does he also confuse arrogance with confidence?
Sounds like your boyfriend is crazy for one thing, I would worry so much about making him happy but thinking about if this guy is okay for you and how to make yourself happy. Your dad did a wonderfully nice thing for you, you had every right to show your appreciation.
The fact that you are asking this question...and your top concern is how to make this boyfriend happy, tells me YOU have serious issues. Please talk to someone professionally about the situation...and I DON'T mean your (so-called) boyfriend, the control freak.
Your boyfriend is a RETARD. Family doesn't count as "other guys". If this is a serious question, you need to find another boyfriend that isn't sick and demented. Wow. What a frickin douchebag. Seriously, get out now. If he won't let you hug your DAD, because he considers that "another guy" he obviously thinks you might sleep with your FATHER. That's really sick. He doesn't trust you, your family, and he certainly doesn't think very highly of you. Run, don't walk and get a restraining order against him. He's likely to get violent.
Tell your dad!! Your dad well make him happy! He'll straighten that boy right up!!
I'm sorry....your boyfriend got jealous of your father? I'd um....dump him....and move onto someone a touch more secure with themselves and in touch with reality...
Ditto. As in all of the above!
Don't just dump him right away. That is your father. He is family family does not count. But avoid doing that infront of him especially if your a young adult. I disagree with most of the people. He might have been abused or watched too much movies about incest. Let him know that there is nothing sexual between you and your father. Ask him if he was sexally abused or saw it happen in his family. Maybe he should also seek a therapist. It would help.
There is nothing you can do to make him happy. Get out while you can. Your father is not "another guy". I would want my daughter to tell her father. She would not be worrying anymore about how to make her boyfriend happy.
This man is an obsessive Dom, get out of the relationship as soon as you can. he will be totally controlling your life. The fact that you ask what you can do to please him is very worrying if he objects to you having contact with your father , there is NOTHING you can do or say that will please him.
Please, please, please, run as fast and far as you can, O.G.O.! I think it is almost what, 100%, that men THAT jealous end up abusing their wives/girlfriends both emotionally and physically. Please listen to all on the AB and boot this guy! Jealous of you hugging your DAD? That IS the worst case of jealousy that I have ever heard of. Nothing good can come from a relationship with this guy.
He is a jealous type, controlling, and he more then anything is psychologically abusive. Get out while you still can ! You deserve much more ! I have been there and it is no joy ride. I agree on what someone else mentioned, there is nothing you can do to make him happy. He is not happy within himself. He is jealous of your closeness with your father, family and possibly other friends that you have. You should not give him the light of day. God bless you ! Don't let his issues weigh you down.
This guy is text book. He will go right down the line. Like I just said in my comment. After you start avoiding your guy friends, he'll start in on your girlfriends, Asking if you're gay, just to annoy you, then he will go thru your purse, he'll follow you, he'll stop all outside friendships all together. Then he'll increase on the mental abuse, and the physical abuse will increase. Then when he knows you are hooked in fear, he'll start threatening your family, He'll say "if you leave me I'll kill them" This is what you've got to look forward to. Don't make this mistake!!
Sounds like your boyfriend is on drugs or something. I went thru a crazy boyfriend too...found out he was on drugs. You CAN live without him. It might be hard at first...he probably has you thinking you can't survive without him, but there are plenty of normal guys out there and you deserve someone who values you and respects you. I left my guy and took 5 kids with me. You can do it too.
Say goodbye to this possessive, insecure jerk. Don't waste your time with him.
Run and don't look back at all , manipulators are bad news -- And that is really over the top
It was your DAD!!! Tell the boyfriend to hit the road!
For hugging your dad? For the sake of happiness in your future leave him and find yourself a nice, decent boyfriend. If he is like that for hugging your father then lord help you if you even glance at another man in his prescence.
You can't be serious? Leave him!!! I'm sorry but you have no way of making someone like that happy, and you shouldn't have to!!!
Dont do anything to make him happy! Dump him, leave him in the gutter and warn all your friends about him! He is not worth it!
Your boyfriend is an asshole. Tell him that your not giving up family for anyone. He can accept it or get lost.
Sounds to me like it's time to move on. Blood is thicker than water, as they say.
Is this guy for real? Seriously?! You might want to braim him to make sure his head's on straight. If that doesn't make him happy, I don't know what will.
Omg is he for real!!!!!!!!!Thats your dad,id dump this boyfriend hes too possesive and jelous,sounds dangerous to me!
For Gods sake, get rid of this moron - if he is so bad that you cant hug your dad then goodness knows what evil lurks within.. he is very obviously posessive, that isnt good in any relationship, so get out while you still can girl....
I think you see the consensus here--have you ditched this guy by now?
IS he crazy or what? Does he hug his mom?
You're not meant to do anything to make him happy - that's not your responsibility. His happiness is his own responsibility. Your boyfriend sounds incredibly insecure and possessive. It was a hug with your father FHS! The only relationship you're having with your Dad is father-daughter. Your boyfriend needs help and you need a new boyfriend.
I WOULD NOT stop hugging my DAD or BROTHERS or UNCLES or guy cousins for him but any other guy I might! Family is family and that's all there is to it!
What a loser... Kick him to the curb, then go hug your Daddy..
lock the doors and call the police!
Okay, anyone who tells me not to even hug someone else doesn't deserve my respect or attention. I hope that you have the same esteem for yourself! Get rid of him. He's possessive, controlling, probably a sexual sadist, and many other things. Do the right thing for yourself.
You have put your question under 'abusive relationships' I think this tells you everything. What advice would you give your best friend if she asked you the same thing? What does he do to make you happy? For him to freak out when you're hugging your dad is ridiculous. He needs to do lots to make you happy and if he doesn't, please take the advice of what's been said here and GET RID. Find someone who will make you very, very, very happy. x
:P this question screams leave him. Hes insane to be mad about anything like this..
first off happy belated birthday secondly any guy that is that insecure that he has a problem with you showing affection to a male member of your own family is a losert and needs to be dumped immediately
I hope you've gotten away from that idiot by now. If not, don't walk, RUN AWAY! He's a freak.
I hope you've gotten away from that idiot by now. If not, don't walk, RUN AWAY! He's a freak.
If you don't ditch this whacko then you are to blame for you being controlled by this scum-sucker. Does it piss you off to catch hell for hugging your dad? As a father, if I ever caught wind that my daughters boyfriend had said something like that to her, I would rip that s.o.b. into a few painful pieces! So if you haven't already, go to your dad and let him know whats going me, he only wants the best for you and will protect you from some idiot like that should you choose to leave him behind...and don't worry, there's alot of good people in this world and have of life's journey is finding them..;-)
For peat sakes you hugged your DAD! How could your boyfriend seriously say that? Then you probably can't hug your son or brothers.
For peat sakes you hugged your DAD! How could your boyfriend seriously say that? Then you probably can't hug your son or brothers. You have the right to hug your family.
dump the boyfriend. jeez what a dip.
Please do not try to make him happy! He is a jealous idiot and needs to be dumped. Do it before he beats you. I am sure your dad would agree. Dump the boyfriend and go hug your dad again.
Tell him he's overreacting big time...and state the fact you were hugging YOUR DAD...if he still freaks, consider separation...and get him counseling...
omg thats the funniest thing ive ever heard... he obviously has some serious self esteem issues
First, I need you to start loving yourself. Your happiness is what matters. And from a distance this guy really has something in his past that is haunting him and he need to seek help. It is obvious that you care for him because you are willing to trade your happiness for his. Let him know that you empathize with him due to his tramatic past because any man that behave in such a manner has some skelatons in his closet, but you are the right now in his life and if he would like to have a future with you he need to trust you more and also know that your DAD is gonna always be your DAD and you deserve to be treated better than the way he is treating you.
Dump the motherfucker already!
PLEASE GET AWAY FROM THAT GUY I had a boyfriend just like that and I married him he would beat me for changing my nephews diaper when he was a baby and it only got worse and so will he so please! please get rid of him if you care about yourself and you family tell him to get lost.
It seems like he doesn't have respect for you...
First of all, this was your DAD! Not "some other guy"! second, if he's going to get mad because you hug another guy, get rid of him! He's going to be controlling and jealous, and it can only turn out badly!
if this is a serious question, which i dont really believe it is, then your boyfriend is an asshole...dump him and maybe punch him in the face
Your boyfriend has serious problems..he sounds like he is or is on his way to becoming an abusive control freak...dump him fast.
I would suggest what almost everyone else did but to let me spice it up here I think he needs to be tipped upside down and smacked across the F*cking head that jerk I have been in abusive relationships before and I am telling you from experience thats not what you want!.MY ADVICE:GET RID IF HIM AND FIND SOMEONE THAT DOES APPRECIATE YOU.YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT YOU ALSO DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT!.
Wait..are you serious? ok. If your guy is getting mad at you for hugging your own flesh and blood, then he has some serious issues. I can see getting mad at a guy friend or an ex-boyfriend, but your dad?! That's wacked! Don't try to make him happy..if he gets mad over that than I don't think there's much you can do to make him happy...
Um, can we say that this is a HUGE RED FLAG? Dump him fast before he contols every aspect of your soul, because he will certainly try since he's capable of trying to control your affections with your own father. Oh and by the way, you can't really make a CONTROL FREAK happy - EVER!
I have daughters your age, and I would tell one of them if she were in your situation, "There isn't a man on earth who will ever love you as much as I do, and you know that is true because there is nothing you can do that will change that but people fall out of romantic love all the time. This man thinks he loves you; but he is so afraid of losing your love that if you let him stay in your life he will eventually beat or possibly even kill you rather than lose his control over you. It happens all the time with men like this. Get rid of him now, because if he ever does that to you I will do whatever I have to do to him to stop it, even if it means spending the rest of my life in jail."
I have daughters your age, and I would tell one of them if she were in your situation, "There isn't a man on earth who will ever love you as much as I do, and you know that is true because there is nothing you can do that will change that but people fall out of romantic love all the time. This man thinks he loves you; but he is so afraid of losing your love that if you let him stay in your life he will eventually beat or possibly even kill you rather than lose his control over you. It happens all the time with men like this. Get rid of him now, because if he ever does that to you I will do whatever I have to do to him to stop it, even if it means spending the rest of my life in jail."
Hiya , This also happened to me when i was out clubbing with my boyfriend . I met someone who i knew years before and i gave him a cuddle . It was very warm inside so most of the guys in there had no top on so it made it worse . At first my boyfriend was fine and dancing away but as soon as we got home he threw me out . We got back together the next day and spoke about it. I told him that he was an old friend and that i cuddle all my guy and girl pals when i see them ( i thought he would have noticed as id been with him 1 year ) . I told him to watch how his mates' girlfriend acted when they met one of their guy mates . And low and behold he realised tht he was being stupid ! After that i todl him only he gets 'special cuddles' though and he laughed about it all . Thank god . If he doesnt realise that hes being stupid then hes not the man for you hunni but im sure hell cum round xxxxx
I'm sorry to break this to you but if he's getting jealous over your father he's slightly psycho and therefore not a keeper. Get RID OF HIM!!!!
OH MY GOD. that is the most creepily warped thing i've ever heard. what is it to him if you hug your DAD. or if you hug anyone for that matter. if he was being serious he needs some sort of counselling because he has issues. so get rid. i sounded a bit harsh there but god.
This is your "wake-up" call. Dump him. This guy has some SERIOUS issues. Let someone else deal with tham.
HOney, if he is upset with you because you hugged your Dad simply because your Dad is "another guy", then you need to take a serious look at your relationship. There is something mentally warped with this guy if he has a problem with that. He sounds like the type of guy who is very controlling and demanding. Therefore nothing you ever do is going to make him happy. Instead of trying to always make him happy maybe you need to look at yourself and see if he still makes you happy. If not, cut your ties and run for it.
slap him on the head and tell him ITS YOUR DAD for goodness sake! i bet he hugs his mother.
if he is that contolling then u need to leave will only get worse. screw making him happy and save yourself!
Nobody gets in between you and dad , you are always daddies little girl before any boyfriend. He is a looser and im a young guy saying that, He is insecure
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