Has work resumed on the Mexico United States border wal Yes, work has resumed on the Mexico-United States border wall. President Donald Trump signed executive orders shortly after taking office, directing the Pentagon to deploy troops and resources to the border2. As a result, 1,500 active-duty troops have been deployed to assist with the construction of barriers and support other border security efforts2. The deployment includes helicopters and military aircraft to conduct deportation flights for detained migrants. According to the internet. 1/24/25
★StevoOctober 2023, Biden announced that he was restarting wall DId Biden ever actually restart building wall?
dalcoconoHere's what I found, although I didn't know he did that before now; "did biden ever start work on the border wall Yes, President Biden did start work on the border wall. In October 2023, his administration announced plans to build approximately 20 miles of new border wall in Starr County, Texas. This decision marked a significant shift from Biden's earlier stance against new border wall construction1. The administration cited the need to use funds appropriated by Congress in 2019, which legally required the money to be spent on border barriers2. Despite this, Biden has maintained that he does not believe the wall is an effective solution." 1/24/25
★StevoI got that far but did any actual work start Im couldn't work out? Has any more of the wall been built or just a bunch of tossers talking about building?
dalcoconoThat could be exactly the situation. Still "planning" and not constructing, but I don't know for sure.
Not sure it ever fully stopped. It slowed down significantly well before covid and never really picked back up.
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