• Would it be oil and Islamic terrorism? 11/19/24
    • β˜…Stevo
      Who controls their banks?
    • dalcocono
      I don't know who controls their banks.
    • β˜…Stevo
      Was it the The Federal Reserve didn't hence why the us attacked them? (WEF)
  • Let's see... 2022 - Afghanistan 2021 - Syria, Somalia, Iraq, Syria 2020 - Iraq 2018 - Iraq, Syria 2017 - Syria 2015 - Cameroon 2014 - Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Uganda 2013 - Somalia, Libya 2011 - Somalia, Pakistan, Libya 2010 - Iraq, Yemen 2007 - Somalia 2005 - Pakistan 2003 - Georgia, Djibouti, Iraq 2002 - Yemen 2001 - Afghanistan 1999 - Serbia, Kosovo, East Timor etc. etc. So: they're all on Earth, and they're all in the Eastern Hemisphere. Other than that: nothing.
    • β˜…Stevo
      or was it the The Federal Reserve didn't control their banking system? (WEF)

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