• Barbarian here I guess. I like vegetables, and I eat a lot of them, usually with meat. 10/9/24
  • Barbarian its not a meal with out meat, Hypothetically bring out the 10 best vegetarians you've got out to the car park would they win the fight against 10 barbians ? How would a total vegetarian diet go for a young athlete in training. Maybe Im just bias as I sometimes come a cross a few strange vegans that look like cancer survivors.
  • Plants are alive., they grow and produce seed, they release chemicals when in pain, different language same response. Are cats barbarian for eating mice, are foxes barbarian for eating rabbits are lions barbarian for eating deer? What about abortion is that respect of life or barbaric? I'm against factory farming and cruelty in farming but humans eat vegetables and meat, humans have been cooking meat for at least 450,000 years, which is why we no longer have a strong jaw like carnivores.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      All predators are barbaric. Women who have an abortion do not respect the life inside them and those women have anger issues obviously.
    • Creamcrackered
      OK, so what if rabbits are eating the farmers crops? What if we are over run with mice and rats, they eat our food sources and defacate in our food, and on our clean surfaces, their faeces is riddled with disease, and rats fleas carried the plaque. What about animals that have rabies and infect other animals and people? Predatory animals are not barbaric, they were born to keep prey animals in check, prey survives because they breed in greater numbers. Predators pick off the weak, keeping the strongest animals alive and so maintain a strong gene pool. There's a reason for both, to maintain balance, too far one way, causes imbalance.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Predators usually kill and eat other animals and creatures. That’s being barbaric. Rabbits are not predatory because they do not kill and eat other animals. Crops are not animals. I don’t see how rabbits, rats and rabid animals are predators. Not all animals kill for food. Some animals are friendly and do not rely on meat for survival because they eat plants and other things that are not meat.
    • Creamcrackered
      I'm not saying rabbits are predatory, they are prey, hence they run fast, can hide underground, have have large litters. Mice are also to an extent prey, although mice will eat baby rats. But with the predators ie the cat, you wouldn't be able to keep the mice population in check. If you had a mice infestation, what would you do?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      if there was an infestation, I would ask someone to take the mice away from the area but not kill the mice because they are not like rats

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