• continue to lie. drug addicts will lie cry deny and blame others even while you are beating them. Shall I talk about my mate dogboy I grew up across the road from him hes 5 years older then me I a very charming man he got lots of women. He was a lying drug addict he would look you in the eye and swear on his mothers life he didn't do it. Think early 2000's computers weren't common with a new usb camera some idiot sick of his beers and change being stolen has wasted a few hours playing perry mason .long story short I have video of dogboy thieving. I'd known him for 25+years when this event took place I thought he was my mate hed scab money off me every so often. All BS a side a liar will look you in the eye and swear on thier mothers life every word they are saying is true. and not flich or turn a hair. Unfortunately a few of the boys I grew up with turned into junkies lying fraud and stealing was their game. A complusive liar will continue to lie to your face a gambling addict would be no different if you were investergating missing money.

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