• It's a start for immediate needs. Hopefully it can be disbursed quickly. 10/5/24
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Very true, although people are angry about it. A must watch video in response to the $750:
    • dalcocono
      Well then, he sure is ranting about it. At the end of the other video she said they would soon be providing "tens of thousands of dollars" to help rebuild. I just hope it is a rapid response and not held up by administrative red tape.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      We'll see if she holds her word, cause FEMA says they are running out of money to help with the disaster recovery.
    • dalcocono
      People are getting desperate back there. It looks like fema's response is as lame as it was after Katrina.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      To make matters worse, the $750 from FEMA that Kamala Harris is offering could be a loan, not real relief.
  • It is just a start to help them survive.
  • That's £577.39. Apparently, it's an emergency response only for food, clothing and medical supplies. They can claim more via Fema assessment.
  • You could give them the same amount your goverment gave the border invaders, What a great country you live in thats Bidenomics for you

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