• (Follow on from box)First we overlook evil. Then we permit evil. Then we legalize evil. Then we promote evil. Then we celebrate evil. Then we persecute those who still call it evil.”
  • It does reflect current events in western society and culture, IMHO. 10/4/24
  • I think the order might be not quite right. Or...maybe there's a couple of missing steps? But the idea is sound. Let's see if I can "borrow" the idea and come up with something that sounds (to me) closer to reality. - First we despise an evil. - Then we become accustomed to that evil. - Then we overlook that evil. - Then we try to excuse that evil. - Then we give permission for that evil. - Then we admire that evil. - Then we promote that evil. - Then we legalize that evil. - Then we celebrate that evil and persecute those who oppose that evil.

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