• I'm a political moderate. I think compromise makes our govt work best. 10/2/24
  • A slow process like politicians at the bottom of the ocean. It takes them centuries to sort out certain things. They are mostly talk and little action.
  • I cant think of many politicans that are any good most of the things in my country are owned by corpo scumbags. Its a stacked deck to keep us all slaves. bring on the revolution
  • 10/3/2024, I'm not a politician, and neither a Democrat or a Republican. I ask political questions when I don't have anything else better to ask or other questions to answer. 😆
  • It's a big act. Capitalism runs the financial structure, although it's not really a free market, most of the large corporations are run by a small few also involved in the banking sector, these same scumbags run the societal structure as well, and own all the media outlets, music and news reporting, so we are already in a Totalitarianism state, with the back up of police and CIA, we have the illusion of choice, 1984 George Orwell and double speak is already here. "See you at the top of the hill Winston."

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