• Everyone thats not a Jew is Israels enemy ? Do you want to die with them why do you yanks wank to fight wars constantly you never win? The jews have killed more palestinians than Hilter killed jews who is the real evil?
  • The US will give Israel 38 billion dollars in military aid, between 2017 to 2028. The UK supplies 0.02% of the annual imports of aid going to Israel, and 0.4% of the UK’s defence exports. For comparison, the US is responsible for 68% of exports to Israel and Germany provides 28%. Since 2008, the UK has licensed arms worth over £574m to Israel, according to government export data put together by Campaign Against Arms Trade. That includes £185m military technology, £136m for aircrafts, helicopters and drones, and £30m in grenades, bombs and missiles.

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