  • North Korea is possibly the least free nation on Earth. China is maybe the 15th least free (out of almost 200), with maybe three times as much freedom. North Korea is one of very few nations to have freedom of speech guaranteed by their constitution, however, it is also one of few nations known to execute people for exercising free speech (recorded incidents in 2007 and 2011). China, however, executes far more people than North Korea, and neither allow information about who or why to be made public. There are no reports of Chinese executions over speech or religion or travel, as there are in North Korea, but there are publicised reports of Chinese executions for things as mundane as theft.
  • There are more liberties in China than in North Korea.
  • Highly recommend listening to Yeomi Park, she escaped North Korea to China aged 13, its horrendous what she went through. And all this still goes on today. She'll let you know the terrible connection between both.

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