• isn't that up to the department of justice has she commited any crimes? Has she committed insider trading? I see that case of TDS you have isn't getting any better,
  • What charges would he ask against her? Would those charges stick? 7/26/24
    • 11stevo73
      insider trading how does one win the bet everytime?
    • dalcocono
      An excerpt from a 2023 business insider article; "While lawmakers who violate the STOCK Act face a fine, the penalty is usually small — $200 is the standard amount — or waived by House or Senate ethics officials. Ethics watchdogs and even some members of Congress have called for stricter penalties or even a ban on federal lawmakers from trading individual stocks." These are the same people who piously tell us that "Nobody is above the law"!
  • If he was a Clinton he'd just have her executed.
  • It's all talk, but then again, IF he gets elected. Trump said so many times in the 2016 presidential campaign that he was going to incarcerate Hillary Clinton over her emails as soon as he became president. "Lock her up" was one of the most popular chants among the Trump supporters. And boy, the request was not granted. 😏
  • I am not aware of any crime she has committed.

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