• Laundry or baby spa business
  • Boy, tough call. * On the one hand, I'd love to have done a really classy (a la classic Disney animation) animated "The Complete Bible, Without Any Additions or Omissions". I think it would sell extremely well, nationally and internationally. * On the other hand, I'd also love to do something like a Mars Colony project. Unlimited money would make that possible, probably within my lifetime. * Then there's the whole non-profit humanitarian aid thing. Unlimited money would mean that I could (given time) provide nutritious food, shelter, clothing, potable water, education (including higher education) and health care to every person on the planet. * Thinking it over, I suppose the last would be the best. Increase the standard of living of EVERYONE to such a high minimum and suddenly (nearly) every child has (roughly) equal opportunity to succeed as an adult.
  • I'd be in the business of donating it to charities. My favorites are project smile - giving smiles to children born with a cleft lip or pallet, fistula patients in Africa, rape victims in the Congo, St Judes, the local children's hospital and the three homeless shelters in which I stayed. If I were still physically able I'd start an early learning center.

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