• Pick something else .why not do something usefull the entire leagal industry are a pathetic bunch of liars from what Ive seen of them, Profesonal Liar comes to mind. Theres all ready too many useless so called important people in the world. Yes the leagal eagle got a rapist no jail what an acomplisment you know what the rapist did not long after that dont you. In my country the fedral court is no longer sure what a woman is. Forget about being a decent person give up on your morals if you want to be a lawyer.
  • Trying to get a law degree could be the main focus, interning could earn experience and it's always professionally important to network. Personally I'd ask my friends' husband what he would suggest. He's a lawyer, his brother, father, and uncle have a law firm here in town and are members of my Church who also just happen to be Alabama fans with a huge screen tv that also host some pretty awesome football parties! And he used to be my bishop, but now he's working at the Stake level.

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