• Please explain I don't understand your question.And what R word is used against people with disabilities?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I would prefer if you figure out the R word that ends with D and in between etar. I’m dropping a hint. It’s not a nice word. The question is addressing people who use disrespectful words towards certain people. It’s their own ignorance as to why people can be racist.
    • Linda Joy
      My sister told her daughter (who has an IQ in the 40's) that retarded meant she was special. She was against the "movement" to stop the use of the "R" word. Words only hurt if you let them. It's what YOU tell YOURSELF about these words that hurts you. And telling everyone else what they SHOULD and SHOULDN'T say is controlling behavior. Trying to make them feel bad about it manipulative behavior. These are facts and not just my opinion.
    • Linda Joy
      Retarded means slow.
  • Some black people use the word, so how can the word in of itself be offensive? Retard, is often overused now, I've been called it, if I've been slow on the uptake, it's not used as it was in the 70's. Here's Chris Rock,
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Originally the N word goes against black people so my guess is that black people have been hearing that word for centuries from racist people. I think that some black people use the N word such as rap artists because they are so used to hearing the word like when name calling in school makes the victim of bullying also use the same name calling later in their life.
    • Linda Joy
      Being bullied does not CAUSE someone to choose bad behavior in response.
    • Linda Joy
      My black friends were talking about this a few months back. I don't like the "N" word I don't use it and taught my g/son (son and grandson) not to use it. Actually the conversation was more about calling people by their color I don't think he knew the n-word at that point he had just started school. Anyway my friends seemed to embrace the n-word and said it didn't offend them at all.
    • Creamcrackered
      In all the years I've been on this site I have never heard someone call or say the N word. ttps://
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Creamcrackered, the question was not referring to anyone on here
    • Creamcrackered
      Sorry I may have interpreted it wrongly, you wrote "For People who use the N word..." If it's rectorical I don't tend to answer on behalf of others.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      No problem

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