It's not racist to want them out after seeing the invaders waving their countries' flags, trashing everything, assaulting people, hurling insults toward the country, people & president they're attempting to invade, etc., and all for what...freebies! They're not interested in being productive members of American society, nor being peaceful, nor attempting to be civilized. They've already shown their "true colors" and it has nothing to do with their race.
Archie Bunker
Then I'm curious why so many people want them to come here. Marching up from wherever they came from to allegedly claim asylum, walking through other countries to get here (and not mentioning asylum in those other countries) and burning the American flag on their way here? That doesn't sound like anyone I'd want here. -
I believe the answer lies within the DEATH TO AMERICA party (Democraps) and their nonsensical ideologies that this will be their voter base. -
Archie Bunker
I don't disagree with you there. -
Yes, Democraps are to blame.
It’s racist to paint them all as rapists and murderers. Immigration has significantly influenced the development of American society and culture, both historically and currently:
Yes, well the left screams "racism" about everything they dislike. There is no valid reason for the USA to be the only country required to have open borders by our resident leftists. No other nation, even the ones joining in those "caravans, have open borders, why should we? 3/20/25
That must be why the legal immigrants are so opposed to open borders? They applied, were vetted and approved, and cherish their well deserved citizenship. Try to cross over to Mexico and have that country pay your medical, educational, nutritional and housing expenses.... or try France, Germany, Italy, Spain or Russia. It's entirely possible that the racists are firmly anchored in the political left.
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