• Oh boo-hoo I'd give them another face palm if I were you. They seem to be SOOOO effective! 7/2/24
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      They are very effective. A Quintuple Facepalm is as far as I go before I make myself comfortable in a debate. Making myself comfortable is to take my time in responding. Facepalms were popular in the old Answerbag. They let AB'ers know of the users who whine and complain when things don't go their way.
    • dalcocono
      Put those palms on both sides of your face and cover your face in shame for your aggressive nonsense!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Actually, if I was in shame, I wouldn't have asked this question in the general public. LOL *Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "boo-hoo" Weak.
    • dalcocono
      Some people are just shameless, like you. Keep crying and face palming. It certainly is effective in your monologues
    • dalcocono
      Oh look! Here is one about you on answerbag!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I have a lot of pride, unlike you who whines and complain, you call me names and you tell me to go away when things don't go your way?????????????? That's what users have known about you, another very sensitive person who does not like being called out for a debate, thanks to me for posting the question in the general public.
    • dalcocono
      You are the whiner and complainer on this thread. Still crying around over your nonsense. Now you try to represent other users here as though you are in charge. This is not jennie the snots website. I've made that clear to you. Just because you've been successful at throwing walls of text at others in the past doesn't mean it impresses me at all! Bugger off again ninny!
    • dalcocono
      How funny! You had to resort to answering your own question! Sad and pathetic, just like Joe is. Here is a fact checker on your hero's veracity;
    • dalcocono
      More blah blah blah from this sites chief abuser. Keep crying
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I have never whined, simply because every debate goes my way, just as proven with my thinking brain. Learn to think for yourself. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Still crying around over your nonsense." ??? Continue to ask yourself that. Who said anything about being in charged? Answerbag is to share information and start discussions. I don't know what "others" you are referring to. Which is why you need to be concerned with yourself, and not what I do on Answerbag. I also answer many of the questions I ask, as there is nothing wrong with that either.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Sad and pathetic," ??? I agree that you have answered your own question by whining cause I called you out to debate political issues.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Keep crying" Sayyys you? LOL
    • dalcocono
      Nonsense, you're STILL whining. You're fooling yourself. Still sad and pathetic
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      By no means am I whining, since I want you to stay in these comments in contrary to you by telling me to go away. No one made you an authority on Answerbag, so as usual, deal with it.
    • dalcocono
      Here you go crybaby;
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And here's the definition of a "brain"... Example: "used to refer to intelligence: Marie has an amazing brain (= is very intelligent)."
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Here are 9 proofs you can increase your brain power in a week...
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "Use your brain." It will make you feel better than adding videos to speak for you. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Odd, nobody asked you to define "brain". Are you having a biden moment too? Maybe you should do some of those brain power increase exercises. I'm still good.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I'm still good." Yeah, good at crying. What's wrong, are you further crying cause I gave you the definition of a "brain?" "Speak for yourself," and do not let anyone else speak for you. Another *Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Not me toots, your the one who posted this tearful question aimed at me. You've been crying over my comment for days now. Again, don't try to advise me on how to speak or what to say. You are far too emotional to advise me on anything. That's right, I'm good, I don't need you to look up any definitions for me you twit (feel free to substitute any other vowel). I can do that myself!
    • dalcocono
      Maybe a better question would be "why do cyber bullies decide it would be good to pick an online fight?" Which is what YOU do regularly
    • dalcocono
      Oh! She must be talking about you!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I wouldn't have posted this question if I wasn't confident about it. As confident as I am, I will have it displayed again on the Answerbag homepage to see if I can get more answers to my political question.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "You've been crying over my comment" ??? I am positive you are crying because I called you out for a debate, and then I ridicule you in the general public for name-calling, which is why as I have been saying, when people don't have an argument, they resort to name-calling.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Again, don't try to advise me on how to speak or what to say." You are further crying by me correcting you on how to speak. Nothing you say is structural, just emotional outcries on your behalf.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I don't need you to look up any definitions" I couldn't care less how you feel about it, since you need to understand what a brain is to know that the brain controls what you think, feel, how you learn and remember, and the way you move and talk.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "why do cyber bullies decide it would be good to pick an online fight?" ANSWERBAGGERS: dalcocono is crying for calling me a bully. LOL *An enormous Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Come and get more facepalms so you can further cry, Wahhhhhhh!
    • dalcocono
      Blah blah blah "use you brain." I am using it while you cry about my posts refuting your nonsense. Keep crying crybaby. All you got is BS opinions and fast typing fingers. Not so much in the brain dept though.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      What brain are you using, since it doesn't show, as you need news sites and videos to speak for you. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Again and again, "Use your brain."
    • dalcocono
      Oh how cute! You answered your OWN question twice now! pinchi paiasa!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      That's right, I want more answers. You might want to get to help you out or should I say your sock-puppet account to rate each other's answers? *Pathetic*
    • dalcocono
      I am using my brain, you're just not clever enough to see it. You think I should just type and type and type rubbish and nonsense like you do.
    • dalcocono
      Post a link to my "sock puppet account" Jenny thee snot. I'd love to see it. You're just getting less and less credible with every nonsense post. Better give yourself a BIG facepalm for that foolishness!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I am using my brain" Nope, you continue to look for news sources to speak for you. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Why would I want to post a link to your sock-puppet account, when neither you and do not matter on this site? LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I feel sorry for your old age, and the beating you are taking. Wahhhhhhh! LOL
    • dalcocono
      That's right, at last you figured it out! Instead of throwing my OPINION around I go to reputable sources to slap you around. Your opinions here are nonsense. You can't post a link to something that doesn't exist is why. You just make up another lie trying to seem clever. Don't be sorry for my old age. I have had a long and interesting life. The only thing that separates thee form me snotty jenny is time. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to live as long as me. Probably not though. Keep weeping and wailing over the spanking I'm giving you. I'll continue to butch-slap (feel free to use a different vowel) as long as you continue to make stupid comments.
    • dalcocono
      If you want more answers crybaby. better answer your own question again sad little paiasa. I think I see tear stains in your comments.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Actually, I'm right and you are wrong for failing to use your brain to discuss political issues with me.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I go to reputable sources to slap you around." Bill O'Reilly and your other supposedly reputable sources do not count. So keep slapping yourself in your face with the continuous facepalms I am giving you. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I can't post a link? That's because I would rather use my brain to speak for myself, unlike you who needs useless links to speak for you. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I do feel sorry for your old age. This long life of yours has become a failure with me. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The spanking you are giving me? Keep dreaming, since you are only making me laugh.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "butch-slap" Talk is cheap.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      If I want more answers, I'll continue to wait until I get more.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I see tear stains in your comments." Now you are going blind, cause everything you are saying is turning out to be a joke. I can't blame you, being that you admit you have lived a long life to speak of your old age. ROTFLMAO *A gigantic Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      And you wonder why someone would call you names while butch slapping you. Talk is all you got. fast typing with a weak mind and a bad attitude, that's jenny the snot. Answer your own question again, that way you'll get more, cry baby,
    • dalcocono
      The joke is your feeble attempts to sound cool and clever while sobbing your mean little heart out. It is definitely tear stains. Trying to be such a tuffy while you only really have a battle ship mouth and decent typing skills. Dime a dozen. Sad little clown
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Biatch slapping me? Only in your dreams. Quote: "Talk is all you got." Yep, since I can speak for myself and not rely on links. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't see why I should answer my own question again. It's already at the very top of the Answerbag homepage. Quote: "definitely tear stains." Honestly, I just keep smiling to see you try so hard to pretend to be smart, as every AB'er already knows you need links to speak for you, and as a diaper. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      That's quite a mess you have already in your YouTube watch history. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      7/4/2024, go watch some fireworks to lighten up. You may get a heart attack. LOL
    • dalcocono
      So, your bible website you claimed was my sock puppet account; I bet you made somebody mad over there too and they're butch slapping for your snottiness and you think it's me. Well, wrong again tootsie!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Ask me if I care who I made mad. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I agree, you are always wrong.
    • dalcocono
      Every time you respond with another lame comment, my dream of butch slapping you comes true again. You should answer your question again because nobody else is. Your whiney little complaining question is boring. I watch a lot of youtube. We are going to have fireworks on the rez later. I'll be there, and my heart will hold up fine.. You should come to the casino afterwards. I have 2 or 3 adult grand daughters who are dying to meet you.
    • dalcocono
      The one who thinks she's "great" is the one who's always wrong. Not bright enough to educate herself. Just act stupid online and whine about being butchslapped over it. Sad little clown
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Every time I ridicule you-you keep crying. The heck if nobody else answers not 1 question, but 2 questions. Learn to read and put on your glasses to see that it's 2 questions I want more answers to. Since you watch a lot of YouTube, what you do is your problem, but you will still have to clean up your watch history of the videos you added, which are fruitless.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Why would I want to meet your granddaughters? To tell them they are not doing a good job at changing your diapers? LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I cannot be wrong, because also, Answerbag has the feature to edit posts. I can always edit questions/answers/comments, but you can't edit your lame responses, since you made a mistake for getting news links to speak for you. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Funny I don't feel at all ridiculed by you. I feel as though you are grasping at straws trying to find ways to actually insult me, and failing. You probably never will meet them, but maybe you'll get snotty with the wrong woman tonight and end up with the snot beat out of you. Of course you can be wrong you ninny! You are wrong most of the time. Who cares about your editing, Every time it says "the great" you are wrong. It should say the lame.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You don't feel at all ridiculed? That's because you don't have any pride. Insult you? I don't resort to name-calling. You have said before that you are old, have battled diabetes, so I can only use what you have been saying in your answers in regards to my questions. I will never meet your granddaughters? There's no point of meeting them. You already feel ridiculed for also making threats in these comments by saying you would like to biatch slap me, bring up your granddaughters as if it is supposed to scare me and continuing to call me names in which that is wayyyyyyy beyond the subjects I asked about. Who cares about my editing? Lots of users who answer my questions. *Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Wrong again tootsie, it's because your silly little jabs are not effective. Your ocd is really showing up in these threads. I know you are desperately trying to find a way to insult me, like you have done to so many others on this site, but you can't find it can you jenny the snot. I was simply mentioning that the girls might like to beat you up some because you so nasty. I never said I'd LIKE to butch slap you, I clearly said I have been butch slapping your dumb azz with every comment. Don't lie now.I have answered all your stupid questions time and again with intelligent info you won't see. Sucks to be you. You started this brawl, as I said before, by getting all snotty and mean with me over my 1 sentence answer to you debate question. I will continue to butchslap you as long as you continue to try and hurt my little feelings, as always, you remain a twit. (feel free to exchange vowel here too) Just you and me on this one toots with your several days of whiney attacks while waiting for another answer. Better facepalm some more, it seems to make you feel better, lol
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I'm right as usual, because everything you say is being used against you. I couldn't agree more that you need your medications. Desperately trying to insult you? I don't need to try with you, now that you are just too easy for me. I still do not know what others are you referring to, so seriously, worry about yourself instead of trying to drag others along with you. Your granddaughters will beat me up? If they're not military trained, in law enforcement or have martial arts training and other type of self-defense training, then they wouldn't last a minute with me both put together. Again, it is more people you are trying to drag along with your failure. Epic fail.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Oh yes, you have been making threats against me to wanting to slap me. As usual, talk is cheap, so concentrate more on the subjects asked. You have answered my questions with intelligent information? But with what brain? Name-calling does not count. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Sucks to be you." ??? Ask yourself very much that. I started this brawl? And? Deal with it, since you came to my questions crying. You will continue to butchslap me? Be my guest, now that we will be here as long as it takes until someone gives up. We will see how long you can last with me. It's barely been a week of trying to hang with me, and you have been whining and complaining all along.
    • dalcocono
      wrong again, you keep telling yourself that you're right but you're fooling yourself. Not even smart. Careful what you wish for tuffy, your bucket mouth will overload your parakeet azz one day.Now you resort to lies again, I never threatened you I simply verbally butchslap you every time you type your same old tired "woe is me " nonsense. YUp sucks to be you. Yup you started this brawl, for the 3rd time, ocd much? You deal with it crybaby. I can butchslap you until you run out of clean hankies to cry in. You are the whiner and complainer and the uniformed paiasa triste! You aren't a tuffy. Your just snotty, and boring.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I am absolutely very much correct for exposing your crying and name-calling behavior. *Quote: "Not even smart." ??? Ask yourself that. I totally agree that you have no idea what it is to be smart. Being smart is to answer questions based on the subject, do not call people names and do not use links to speak for you. It's all in the brain to do the thinking. Careful what I wish for? What a joke. You never threatened me? As if I care about your threats, but just for the record of being posted, you have been saying to butchslap me. *Weak*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "YUp sucks to be you." The word "yup" is a hillbilly way of saying yes. So I can understand where you are coming from as a Trump supporter. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      As you continue to say I started this brawl, you are whining more in, "She started it." LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Do yourself a favor and deal with it, being that you came to my questions to get biatch slapped by my facepalms. I have never and will ever whine and complain. You should know that many people on Q&A sites are not too friendly. This is something your granddaughters should have told you IF they really cared about you, which they don't. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Yup still blathering the same nonsense and stupid attempts at insult, like a middle school girl. Nothing new or clever from jenny the snot this morning I see. Just more angry tears because she's getting butchslapped some more. Strange you can't figure out for yourself why "people call you names". Paiasa.
    • dalcocono
      Cry baby, cry baby; Janis Joplin opening stanza, appropriate to describe you.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Yep, I do see you still can't hold an argument with your name-calling. Quote: "Just more angry tears" ??? Sayyys you? Name-calling is based on anger. I'm laughing it out, since that's all you can do. Is your old brain running out of words? *Lame*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Why don't you get your granddaughters who are younger to come debate me so I can biatch slap them around with my continuous facepalms, just like I am doing with you as their eldery relative? LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are crying, cause people on the internet are not too friendly. Wahhh!
    • dalcocono
      No worries here jennie the snot, I don't need them to argue with your tiny mind. I'm not the one who posted the tearful question about "why do people call me names" toots, you did that. You are just an emotional mess. Cry baby. I'm sure there are people online too strong for me, but that ain't you dearie lol! (I borrowed that from you, maybe I'll face palm your weak azz too)
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      That's what I thought, your granddaughters should be biatch slapping you for wanting to drag them into the mess you are in. Yet again, don't worry about the questions I ask. I like ridiculing people like you. It is a practice for me, unlike you who is crying about it, because I posted the question in the general public of the Answerbag homepage, so I can get more answers and so users can see that you are a cry baby who resorts to name-calling.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "You are just an emotional mess." ??? You have clearly asked yourself that with all the anger you have because I called you out for a debate. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Copying my style? Be an innovator, not an imitator. LOL
    • dalcocono
      I'm not in a mess pendeja, you are. I notice MANY lame questions you asked that either have 0 answers, or maybe a couple. The ones with the most answers are answered by you. Pretty pathetic. Remember dearie, you're really not important enough to tell other users how to answer or what to say. You are just another online troll trying to seem like a tuffy. Sad little clown. You don't have a style, You're just an emotional mess. I bet your mascara is running all over your face from the tears!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are absolutely in a mess for name-calling, for getting links to speak for you, for making threats and for wanting to get your granddaughters to support you because I called you out on a debate, and you don't like what I have to say. You just have to deal with it. Oh, I'm that important as Linda Joy in whom the both of us contribute to this site very much by the numerous questions we ask. And DancesWithWolves, another great user who asks a lot of questions. I can't forget about stevo who has been stepping up with his questions. As for you, yet again, you do not matter on this site. Answerbag needs less cry babies. Wahhhhhhh!
    • dalcocono
      That's not a mess you silly thing. That is how I roll when I go up against a nasty troll. If you don't like it well it still sucks to be you ennit. I see you are still yammering about the same old nonsense you been blathering about for 3 days now. Get over it toots. Deal with it yourself. Linda Joy has been MIA for months, and she didn't like you all that well. DWW left for months because somebody offended him. I always blamed you for that too. Stevo just returned too after a sabbatical away from the troll, Answer bag does need less cry babies, like you boo hoo!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It's a huge mess you are in for name-calling like a little kid to support your weak argument, you need support by your granddaughters and now you need support by other AB'ers. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      3 days now? Worry more about what is being said than counting days. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Linda Joy who does not support very sensitive people on Answerbag would also be biatch slapping you for whining and complaining. Jenny started it. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      DancesWithWolves has returned to Answerbag: *What a facepalm* You don't know anything about the users on Answerbag, other than your sock-puppet account of LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Stevo doesn't give a rat's rear end about you. He is too busy asking and answering questions. He also doesn't support whiners. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Simply Too easy!
    • dalcocono
      There you go again. speaking for other users as though you know wat they're thinking. Begging for other users to jump in and defend you while I cyber slap your sill azz around. You are a sad and pathetic little troll, and I will stand up against your bullying until you choose to stop. Deal with it troll.
    • dalcocono
      Oh wait, here's a facepalm or 2 for you and a couple of lolz to finish. It ain't gonna stop until you stop it vacca pendeja!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Speaking for others? Not exactly, I know those users very well to know that neither of them support you. I fight my own battles. This is something you should do yourself. Quote: "I cyber slap your sill azz around." How can you do that - when you are too easy for me? Deal with it? Actually, I'm loving this, since all you can do is keep me entertained with your whining behavior. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Righto tootsie, So do I and you aren't at all scary. Quote you are being cyber slapped and laughed at, regardless of the support you think you have from other users. You are the paiasa here and you deserve getting cyber slapped daily. Tears in your beer and on your pillow. Let me administer another facepalm or 2 at you since you are becoming so embarrassing.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I am not scary at all? Ugh, actually I have been scaring the crap out of you, since you have been resorting to name-calling and cussing me out as a way to supposedly toughen yourself. LOL So funny! *An absolute Facepalm*
    • dalcocono
      Cry baby, crybaby, also liar liar pants on fire. You are an absolute facepalm! Going all maudlin and tearful on me here. And you were supposed to be tuff. What a laugh! "Oh no, that rude old man is PICKING on me!" Won't SOMEBODY save me?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Cry baby? Continue to ask yourself that. I don't whine and complain, since I simply back up everything I say without crying for AB'ers' support as you have been doing. Rude old man? I see you as a whiner who is entertaining me. I had no idea of your gender. It's good you have made it known that you are an old man. Now I can further biatch slap you like your wife used to do. ROTFLMAO
  • From Dr. David Berlinski, when people don't have an argument, all they can do is abuse their opponents with name-calling. lol
  • When people resort to name-calling in a debate, they have simply lost the argument. lol
  • Its a waste of time trying to explain anything to the person as they are too stupid to listen. Is the usual reason. If you explain somethinhg to some once or twice and they still dont get it what is the point of doing it again.
    • dalcocono
      I know, but she has decided to use her "questions" as attack platforms if one doesn't agree with her. Then she gets insulting and most people will just back down from her assaults. I will continue to answer her foolishness until she decides to stop!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      @dalcocono, stop crying to stevo. Since you don't like the way me or any other AB'ers treat you, what we ask and how we express ourselves, then you can leave this site and go cry somewhere else. Answerbag is not for very sensitive people. BTW, debates on Answerbag can last as long as weeks, months or years. We really are going to see how long you will last with me, since you are my guest in any of my questions you answer.
    • dalcocono
      Shutup baby! You don't get to tell anybody what to say. I answered his answer with a comment. This is YOUR mess troll. You are going to have to deal with it. There you are again trying to "represent" other users. Sad little troll. I will continue to virtually slap you around as long as you keep trolling me. You're not scary, you're pathetic!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "Shutup baby!" ??? Do ask yourself that for crying to stevo. Your answered his answer with a comment? Stevo did not ask for your opinion. *Facepalm*
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My mess? Actually I am very proud to have asked the question in this subject, as to why do people resort to name-calling when you call them out for a debate. And this is so I can brag more. How can I deal with whatever it is you want me to deal with - when all you are doing is making me laugh??????????????
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't represent any AB'er. I call it as I see it. And what I'm seeing here, you are crying for stevo's support. Here's something else to make you cry... *Fight your own fights*
    • dalcocono
      Quote STFU baby! Your mess indeed proudly stupid as usual. Still repeating the same tearful accusations in the question you asked to cry to the entire website about you ridiculous little troll. Keep laughing tootsi while I keep cyber slapping you around. I already TOLD you at least twice now that you don't represent anybody else here, about time you got it thru your thick troll skull. Again pay attention, you asked the stupid question in the first place begging for support over your absolutely ridiculous attack on me over the debate results. Give it up troll, just like the old Beatles song says, you're a loser!
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      STFU? It's not going to happen. I see you are repeating your same whining comments, name-calling to cussing me out. Your argument has already gone weaker for continously cussing me out. For your information, it's not important, so it means nothing to me. Quote: "Keep laughing tootsi" You bet I will. I never said I represented any user on Answerbag, but that I know you will not get anyone's support. Stevo is not going to back you up either. I can ask whatever I want. Quote: "Give it up troll," Now you STFU and just go along with everything I have to say.
    • dalcocono
      Oh no, you are doing that, and plagiarizing my comments about you pendeja. You tried to convince me you represented the users you named in your silly little comment. I never brought anybody else's names into my cyber slapping I'm administering, you did that. Once again, you prove yourself to be a whiney little crybaby butch eh sweetheart. Can you post the "cussing out" I supposedly gave you? I confess to calling you some very well deserved names. but I don't recall cussing you out, yet. I think that qualifies as another case of liar liar panties on fire for you. Quote, STFU troll. Remember that Beatles song that describes you so precisely, loser! I'm not going anywhere. I got lots of time to cyber slap your azz on answerbag for being a cyber bully troll.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Oh, I am pointing out your errors is what I'm doing by quoting you. I still don't see what other users have to do with the way I express myself. You do not see me telling stevo or any other AB'er how to act. What they do is their business. You never brought up any names? But you cried to stevo for support. LOL Again, "Fight your own fights."
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I'm whining? You can't prove anything about me to be whining, simply cause I just go along with what is being said, and I do not need help from any AB'ers. Cussing me out in Spanish is also the only thing you can do, being that your Answerbag account would be terminated if you cuss me out in English.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      STFU? Actually, you said I'm supposed to deal with it, and it is exactly what I am doing without whining and complaining like you. LOL
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "I'm not going anywhere." Am I supposed to care? You said that many times. LOL
    • dalcocono
      Sure I can you ninny. Just go back and see the tearful posts begging for help. Lying and accusing and grasping at straws to defend your lame azz against the cyber spanking you so much deserve! Keep up the weak lame attempts at trolling though trollio, they are getting more comical with every post! Such a sad little paiasa.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You are really making me laugh with your whining behavior. You have no idea either what it is to be a cyber bully. By definition, cyber bullies pi$$ people off on the internet and they cause intimidation. You can't make me angry and intimidate me, being that everything you say is causing me to laugh, and the more I laugh and the more biatch slaps I give you, the angrier you get. LOL

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