• I've worked with a lot of people and I've heard lots and lots of lying. I used to think there were only two reasons, but it turns out that there are several general reasons (1) the liar is afraid to have the target know the truth of the matter (2) the liar is trying to take advantage of the target {Note: those two are by far the most common reasons.] (3) the liar tells nasty lies about other people to feel better about themselves (4) the liar tells nasty lies about another particular person with the willful intent to assassinate their character (typically out of envy or spite or revenge or some other strong negative emotion) (5) the liar is a compulsive liar and will lie in any and every situation in which he feels that even the slightest advantage to them, personally, will result from the lie. This sort of liar will lie to make themselves seem bigger, stronger, funnier, thinner, more beautiful, or anything else that they can imagine will make them "look better" in the opinion of the listener
  • financial gain you must see it everytime you see a politican on TV. That is why the pathetics cannot retire as the dirty deads they have done will come out.

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