• Who gives a rats left hind leg? Neither one is capable of property running this country. Throw them both out and get some qualified people in.
  • He doesn't have what it takes to debate a paper bag, he can't even find the stairs to get off the stage, can't speak clearly, has no idea what facts are in relation to his own time in office, but 10/10 for sniffing children, and touching women.
  • I'm not a Biden supporter, but I must say I have never seen him look so confident, relaxed and ready to defend his position in comparison to Trump who kept dodging questions. Trump was rather more of The Accused by his face expression, while Biden kept smiling, knowing Trump was exaggerating and a whiner. lol
  • Its elder abuse Biden should be in a retirement home. Your country has lost a lot of respect since that thing has been Potus. Does anyone believe he is in control of anything?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The analysis experts are saying Trump is delusional. They criticized Biden's raspy voice, as if he needed flu medicine. Biden controlled much of the debate.
    • 11stevo73
      I havent watched debate yet is it worth watching or just bs?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      It was worth watching. Check out the highlights on YouTube.
    • 11stevo73
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Joe Biden's wife Jill apparently treated him like a toddler, although she is right when she said, he answered every question.
  • He certainly didn't seem to have "what it takes" last night in his debate. 6/28/24
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The word "seem" is an impression, not a fact. Did you even watch the debate to know that there is not a question that Biden didn't fail to answer whereas, Trump repeatedly avoided questions and kept going off topic?

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