• I fire up our generator and plug a few things in to get by until the power comes back on. 6/18/24
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your comment :)
    • dalcocono
  • I have 3 rechargeable LED lanterns that last for a few hours, and 2 cordless fans. They all work great. I like to sit outside the house, either on the porch or patio and enjoy some fresh air, have a family talk and get online.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your comment :)
  • If the power goes off during the day when there is sunlight I would read something, play card games or go on my laptop if there is enough charge in it where I don’t have to connect the charger. If the power goes off at night time I would use the torch on my phone to make my way around the house but nothing much to do since night time doesn’t have sunlight. How long did the power go off in your place and have you tried doing anything I mentioned? Did the power in your place go off in the daytime or night time?
    • DancesWithWolves
      Ours went off 4:55 p.m. last evening and came back at 9:55 p.m. yes it was sad, but we made it we didn't have any AC. and we went outside it was a little comfortable, but the house was muggy.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your comment :)
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      So that was 5 hours without power. You still survived without power. That’s the main thing

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