• "lone survivor" Here is the wiki origin story: "While details differ, the basic story of the Lone Ranger's origin is consistent in most versions of the franchise. The Lone Ranger is the sole survivor of a group of six ambushed Texas Rangers. A posse of six members of the Texas Ranger Division, led by Captain Dan Reid, pursue a band of outlaws led by Bartholomew "Butch" Cavendish but are betrayed by a civilian guide who was secretly working with Cavendish, and who led the unsuspecting rangers into an ambush at a canyon known as Bryant's Gap. Later, a Native American named Tonto stumbles onto the grisly scene. He discovers one of the rangers, Captain Reid's younger brother John, barely alive, and he nurses the man to health. In some versions, Tonto recognizes the lone survivor as the man who had saved his life when they both were children. According to the television series, Tonto gave Reid a ring and the name Kemo Sabe, which he said means "trusty scout". John Reid then tells Tonto that he intends to hunt down Cavendish and his men and to bring them to justice. To conceal his identity and honor his fallen brother, Reid fashions a black domino mask using cloth from his late brother's vest. To aid in the deception, Tonto digs a sixth grave and places at its head a cross bearing John Reid's name so that Cavendish and his gang will believe that all the Rangers had been killed. In many versions, Reid continues fighting for justice as the Lone Ranger even after the Cavendish gang is captured. 5/1/24

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