• Kill or be killed, protect family and others from imminent danger, war time
  • Exodus 20:13 says "lo tra-sah s" in the original Hebrew, meaning "You shall not murder (period)." "Harag" would be the word for kill, as in any sense of killing without moral culpability. That said, I've never killed anybody, and would like to keep it that way if possible, but if anyone were to pose a threat to my family, especially my kids, I doubt I'd give a second thought to the safety of the threat in my attempt to stop them.
  • Killing in self-defense or the defense of others is justified.
  • A good man would never kill because to kill another living being is immoral. A good man with a good heart does not have what it takes to kill. You would have to brainwash him and corrupt him to make him kill. An innocent man with good in his heart is entitled to remain that way unaffected by evil people. Killing is an evil act that goes against the views of someone who is good natured.
  • Sometimes in a man's life, he may be forced into a situation where he must kill or die, or see someone he loves die. Such as a soldier in a battle, or a man protecting his family from violence. Other times. killing for food comes to mind. I can't justify killing for any other reason.As far as the commandment, I believe Botsjan's verse is more accurate to the original Hebrew. 10/26/24

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