• No industry will be guaranteed to remain relevant forever. Eventually, the core of the Sun will run out of fuel and the layers of hot plasma will expand to consume the Earth into fiery hell. But no worries, we'll all be long dead before that happens. No, this next generation should focus on becoming adaptable, as we will certainly be moving into an economic era dominated by artificial intelligence replacing a lot of white collar jobs. Robots already replaced blue collar jobs, so that really just leaves executive jobs. So, I hope this young person already has money. If you already have tons of money, you are more likely to wind up in a position where you are less likely to worry about starving to death in a gutter. But, not to be too optimistic, because in situations with a large amount of economic paradigm shift, money itself can become worthless, so the pursuit of money might also be ultimately frivolous. So, knowing that we are all going to die anyway, and that the economy in the next 10-20 years will be going through a complete foundation overhaul, and also that Putin is trying to reboot the Cold War and that the US government is more inept than ever and that China is one lab mistake away from unleashing the apocalypse on us, just do whatever makes you happy.
    • Linda Joy
  • Anything to get the younger generation going is a good start. Nowadays people prefer easy schedules. I believe Kim Kardashian was right when she said: "Nobody wants to work these days." The signs are seen in society.
    • Linda Joy
      I agree!
  • I would advise them to learn a trade early on and work that job while they learn. Experience is valuable - so is an impressive work history. I think carpentry will remain relevant as long as mother nature has a say. At least here in tornado alley. But this depends on the young person's physical ability. If they have a good mental/academic mind I suggest the medical field at least for the next decade. The baby boomers are getting old! I have no idea how many medical students I've helped train just by being a patient! If they are good with computers that opens up a lot of financial opportunities, but more importantly doesn't disqualify them for a job. Everyone needs to be able to use a computer nowadays. (Or as Roseanne called it "that microwave over there with the keyboard?") But for young people I suggest they start working as soon as they are legally able, keep part time jobs so you never have work gaps, and keep up with the names and dates for your resume.
    • Linda Joy
      Oprah says money just magnifies who you are. My son and his father were all about the money. I've noticed money is a little like alcohol. Some of it is nice, too much can kill you! Especially if you get addicted.
    • β˜…Stevo
      One crop of cotton will change a person. They are now a millionair they need another million and will take all of their neighbours water because they need it.
  • "Plastics!"
    • notyouraveragedummy
      Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    • Linda Joy
      Cotton? lol
    • notyouraveragedummy
      It's a reference to a well known line from the movie, "The Graduate".
  • Just advise them not to get too rich or people like you will hate them.
  • The same as everyone else, young people have their own abilities and talents which need to be recognised so each young individual will have their own occupation in time. That’s why there are job agents to help those get a job.
    • β˜…Stevo
      no job agents here if there is they only look after jippos and city kids.
  • Undertaking. There's always a need and never a slow season.
    • β˜…Stevo
      what occupation is that? '

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