• Only in the dictionaries altered by liberals to ease their conscience. The parents who 'screwed up' are the ones who should be executed. The baby didn't do anything wrong!! They also deserve to suffer from STD's for the rest of their lives! Its not like they haven't been taught about birth control they'd just rather murder an innocent child than be responsible adults making wise choices that don't result in murder!! Selfish and disgusting murderers!
    • Ilovesealions
      Only those dictionaries? Can you link to the dictionary you're getting your definition from? No one is murdering anyone. Murder is the UNLAWFUL killing. You're confusing kill with murder. Unlawful killing = murder lawful killing=not murder
    • Linda Joy
      I can, but I won't. You'll just continue to dispute. Have you murdered your child and need to ease your conscience? Love sea lions, but kill your own offspring? I don't care what you say those babies did not deserve to be killed! How can you possibly justify such a horrific act? Do you kill other baby animals? Or are they more precious to you than human babies?
    • Ilovesealions
      To dispute what? I'm genuinely curious what definition of murder you're using that includes legal killing when legal killings literally aren't murder lol. You're just unable (not unwilling but unable) to show any (because they don't exist). Otherwise you would've just posted it. Lol. No, I've never murdered anyone. Don't forget, if something is legal it's not murder. Murder only pertains to the LEGALITY of a killing not the morality of it.
    • Linda Joy
      "Murder, in criminal law, the unjustified killing of one person by another, usually distinguished from the crime of manslaughter by the element of malice aforethought. See homicide." What's so funny about killing babies you sick baby killer?
    • Ilovesealions
      "In criminal law" being the key words. It's in criminal law because it's a crime lol. It literally says "murder- crime" right there. Silly goose.
    • Linda Joy
      I told you you'd only continue to dispute. And I'm not a goose and this is no laughing matter you'll realize this when you stand before the bar of God. If you believe killing babies is fine and dandy and have no remorse at all if you do it then you're a sociopath!
    • Ilovesealions
      Dispute what? You haven't given any definition that doesn't allude to it being a crime lol. It is a laughing matter that you're having such a difficult time understanding that a killing needs to be unlawful in order to be murder when literally every single definition you'll see clearly says that. It's kinda hilarious that you have the comprehension skills of an ant. I never said anything about anything being fine and dandy sweetheart. I said it's not murder. That has nothing to do with the morality of something. Using your logic the holocaust was also fine and dandy since that wasn't murder either. Lol fohwtbs
  • Also not murders by that definition: OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony, Robert Blake, and virtually every police officer who shot a civilian. Possibly, by how that definition is interpreted, the Zodiac Serial Killer might also be considered "not a murderer."
    • Ilovesealions
      Um okay? What's your point? Why does it matter that they're not murderers? They're still killers ???????? um okay? So they're not by definition murderers, what's your point? Lol
    • Linda Joy
      What's your point in asking this question at all? So you can troll anyone who answers? So those who abort are just killers and not murderers? How does that make this any better?
    • Ilovesealions
      My point in asking the question is to figure out why some pro lifers call it murder when it's not murder. Who said anything about making anything better? Lol tf? What does making anything better have to do with anything? Lol
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      "What's your point" is exactly my point. I could also ask why do some AB'ers act all argumentative and try to start crap with other AB'ers, and if it's pointed out that asking such a question is argumentative and tries to start crap, I could just comment on that answer "What's your point?" And, if asked what was my point, I could restate the question originally asked without indicating what my point was, but, I won't do that, because what would be the point?
  • Plain and simple, abortion is murder. A child in the womb is alive. To physically remove a child from the womb allowing or forcing it to die is murder.
    • Ilovesealions
      No, murder would be if you killed it unlawfully. Abortion is legal ergo not murder
    • Thinker
      By man's law it may be legal but by the Lord God's law it is murder and those who do so will be held accountable on the day of judgement. At that time man's law will not make any difference as it will be God's law that does.
    • Ilovesealions
      How do you know that "by the lord God's law it is murder"? Can you post the Bible passage you're referring to that says what killings the god of the Bible does and doesn't consider murder?

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