• Why are you posting lies?
    • Ilovesealions
      What part is a lie? Do conservatives NOT think illegal immigrants get to vote on the budget? If they know the illegal immigrants don't get to vote on it why do they blame the decision on the illegal immigrants rather than the ones that made it?
    • Linda Joy
      No one votes on it you ignorant idiot! We vote for people to represent us while making these choices. When was the last time you voted on the budget? Jeez you're stupid!
    • Ilovesealions
      Exactly!! The illegal immigrants don't have any say in the budget or how much the government chooses to extort from us or what they do with it. Glad you agree. Knowing that, hopefully you don't blame the illegal immigrants for the goverment taking your money. Why am I stupid? You said I'm posting lies but won't tell me what I lied about. You're also the one saying things like "name calling isn't necessary" and "name calling isn't productive" yet you're doing a fuckton of name calling ya hypocrite
  • Beware of setting up strawmen to prove a point. Maybe this discussion would have started off better (i.e. more productively) by asking conservatives / Republicans what they think about illegal immigrants and the budget and then start an argument if you disagree. People are not likely to answer questions that preface themselves by telling those people what they think about something.
    • Suzy-Q
  • Why are you so stupid as to believe you know what every conservative / republican believes?
  • Could you provide evidence of this assertion? This sounds completely wrong. This is a Liberal/Democrat agenda
    • Ilovesealions
      No, saying that illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers money is a bipartisan issue mostly said by conservatives and Republicans not democrats. You haven't ever heard Republicans complaining because they think illegal immigrants cost us money? That just makes you naive lol.
    • Linda Joy
      You are the naive igorant one! Or just plain in denial due to brainwashing!
    • Black Mystique
      @Linda Joy. Let's be nice and keep things above board
    • Black Mystique
      @Ilovesealions Could you please provide references (articles, etc.) for your assertions? Just trying to understand if you are sharing your opinions or facts
    • Ilovesealions
      Linda, unfortunately if you look into that link you provided it shows you how that's all money that's taken as taxes. That's money that the government chooses to take from you. The illegal immigrants don't get a say in what the goverment takes from you or what they do with it. You already admitted that you understand that illegal immigrants don't get to vote on the budget so please don't blame them for the budgets that get past. All not holding the politicians accountable for their decisions does is enable them to extort more and more of everyone's money.

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