• What is your question? You haven't even asked a question for us to answer. And this has nothing to do with the category you put it in! You do know you have to be at least 12 to use this site, right?
  • If you look like a girl, dress fem, have fem mannerisms, etc., then many will assume first, and ask questions later. Plenty of guys have long hair, and are not assumed to be a girl. Way more is at play here than your long hair. Time for some personal assessment, and a critical session in front of a mirror. Figure out what else is fem or girly about you. You may need to put on some muscle, wear less nerdy clothes, alter a girly gait or whatever.
  • I just chopped off all my hair, where yes, I had been confused as being a girl often as well. My hair is far too thin to grow out that long so anymore, I wait a year and just chop my hair all down to buzz cut. I look alot like my mom with long hair, gross.

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