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Well, they're sad and hurt themselves.
I don't think they intend to be hurtful... or they may find you or others evil and is just trying to protect themselves. I don't think of some people as being evil, just misunderstood. I feel sad for them, everyone should.
because they don't like themselves and use it on other people to cover up their own imperfections
I don't, but others definitely do enjoy inflicting pain on others - it's called masochism - And a sadist is someone who likes the pain, both are very real personality types
Some people do get a kick out of it. Usually it's not the fact they caused the hurt, but that they had the power to do so, and chose to use it. The old saying 'misery loves company' is true as well, for some. Others just love to be the centre of attention and use whatever methods they can to keep that position. If people get hurt, well that's a price they're willing to pay. Usually I think it relies most on an excess of selfishness and an inability or unwillingness to empathise.
I find some people very hurtful and evil, but what bugs me the most they know they are doing it? if they have no conception of themselves they could be forgiven, but i have met a lot that KNOW they are and dont choose to do anything about it! Its a cruel world sometimes and i dont understand why people are like they are. I do beleive that if a persons life has been tainted somehow that they feel they have the right to inflict suffering on others!
The fundamental motivation behind human behavior is self-interest. It is not a product of evil intent, but rather an evolutionary result of self-preservation.
hey good you asked this. i had been thinking this offlate.oh some people are so evil.guess they never got anything out of life or they were too lazy to have anything for themselves.there is this F-I-L of ours who is so hurtful to us, forget their daughters in law, to his very on sons and his wife that i sometimes guess nobody should have a father or a husband like this,even in hell.
people are hurtful for many resons one is besause they feel threatened so if there feeling insecure they put the focus on something or someone eles i beleave evrey one has used this defence mecanisum at some time in there lives but should remember how it felt to be on the resiving end and think twice before we lash out
Meet your friendly neighborhood sociopath. He ( almost always male ) looks just like you and me, but he has no conscience as we know it. When there is potential conflict, where you and I might go to court, he simply eliminates the problem ... you!
From what I've seen in my life, a lot of times anger and "evil" actions are usually because its a mask hiding either fear or pain.
These people seem to operate under a completely different set of rules than normal people do. They're incapable of empathy with others for many reasons, and invariably, are very self centred. Just be glad you're not one of them.
See no EVIL hear no EVIL
even if a lot of people are evil, most of them (if not all) are that way beacuse other people misstreated them, didn't understand them, hurt them...........the damage can be repared, we need to understand each other better, and i'm starting to improve on that too. i was not so good of a person in my past but i'm trying to improve harder every day :). hope is in the future
Let's be honest. If they didn't enjoy it, they wouldn't do it. This "I can't help myself" BS is tired. It's not heroin people! Nastyness is just something they feel protects them from getting too close to others and getting hurt in the end.
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