I want to go on a trip to Polynesia, but my bank account says no.
Linda Joy
Maybe you should do some financial planning and then you can tell your bank account what you WILL DO! Suze Orman is a good speaker on the subject. I, on the other hand, don't even have a bank account!
Follow me back! Why not?? :D
Linda Joy
I don't follow anyone. Someone told me you can't unfollow. And some people are chatty! like me :-).
I think I know where we are going, but why are we in a handbasket?
Linda Joy
lol! If it was good enough for Moses its good enough for me!!
Linda Joy
Good to see you back again! I missed you, but figured you were having fun on YA! -
i couldnt seern to get on here, rny password and ernail wouldnt work for a while -
bostjan...It seems we shared the same Mother ??
Is it like lemmings? 7/19/24
I'm not following you. Where I am going after I post this answer is to the next Answerbag question that catches my attention.
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