Reads like Fibromyalgia. It's hard to diagnose and you'll need to find a specialist to examine you for it.
Thank you so much! I will definitely look more into it.
Hope it gets figured out and you are feeling better pronto.
Thank you so much!
It doesn't sound like fibromyalgia to me. Pain is a major issue with fibromyalgia. Your symptoms of dizziness with nausea sound like when I have a calcium deposit in my head. Does it act up when you move your head? The tingling sounds more neurological. Do you have a pinched nerve? Was there any trauma with the birth? Fatigue could be postpartum recovery but it wouldn't hurt to check your TSH and other hormone levels. Also you may want to get an opinion by someone not related to the hospital or dr where you gave birth just in case it is related to the delivery.
Great idea! I think I will be contacting someone further away from my local hospital to get a second opinion. I'm currently seeing a neurologist and he really is great but he's the only one on the entire peninsula I live on, so he gets super busy and forgets me. I was thinking pinched nerve too, maybe? But they did an MRI and said they didn't see anything. I'm frustrated because it's been 4 almost 5 months this coming November and I still have NO answers as to why I'm feeling this way. Thank you for commenting I really do appreciate it! -
Great idea! I think I will be contacting someone further away from my local hospital to get a second opinion. I'm currently seeing a neurologist and he really is great but he's the only one on the entire peninsula I live on, so he gets super busy and forgets me. I was thinking pinched nerve too, maybe? But they did an MRI and said they didn't see anything. I'm frustrated because it's been 4 almost 5 months this coming November and I still have NO answers as to why I'm feeling this way. Thank you for commenting I really do appreciate it!
I have this and sure pray you don't.No cure.Plus very hard to find any doctor who believes you. Ringing in ears,dizziness,Head feels full/stuffy,
It says link is not valid.. :( Could you please send again? Every single doctor I've seen look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them ALL of my symptoms and treat me like I am. But if they only knew..
While you wait for a diagnosis, you could try to make some simple changes thatβll will help the doctor to rule out the obvious. They usually say βtry this diet and do this exercise for 2 weeks then come back to see meβ. Meanwhile, Drink 75-150 oz. of water a day, remove ALL refined sugar and ALL processed foods from your diet. You could be suffering from dehydration, exhaustion, and hormonal imbalance. Grab an apple or some almonds... take the babies outside to hunt for caterpillars, get some sunlight & sleep when the baby sleeps. I Certainly hope that you are not suffering from a major illness. At your age, you are likely to have a speedy recovery from whatever ails you.
nnaybe you should go to the er if youre having those synnptonns, also, if you ask this on healthtap.conn a real doctor will send you an ennail back
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