Hello Linda Joy I imagined that you were happily occupied with Christmas and the company of family. Welcome back and a Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Linda Joy
Thank you! I hope you had a family filled Holiday! How do you celebrate? -
At a local interfaith church I'm involved with. they had a holiday party afterwards. On Christmas Day went to one of my Sister and bro in law,niece and nephew to share a meal and some laughter and heart to heart talks. Then that evening a friend invited me to joing in a large ethnic family Christmas. So lively and fun. It didn't seem to matter that I haven't a significant other this year and was feeling the ache the days prior. How do you celebrate Linda Joy/ -
Linda Joy
I'm sorry you were hurting! Many people have empty places at the table during the holidays! My mother passed away many years ago on Dec. 15 so it's a bittersweet time for me as well as her birthday and Mother's Day. But those are the only days I let myself mourn and have recently discovered more positive and productive ways of celebrating her life rather than mourning her death. The ways I celebrate Christmas have evolved as my life has changed over time. I really should take some time to write it all out somewhere. I haven't blogged since Yahoo 360 closed. Do you blog? If so, where?
where did you go?
Linda Joy
I took a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas. -
Linda Joy
How did you celebrate as a kid, Pearl? -
i grew up in a jewish home so we celebrated jewish holidays instead -
Linda Joy
how do you celebrate the Jewish holidays? -
i dont bother, no fun celebrating by myself
Yes, I noticed! Merry Christmas.
Linda Joy
I hope you had a great one with your little ones! That's the best time!
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