I once started a bonfire under my sap-filled conifer trees. BIG mistake.
Beaker Five-O
Why, what happened ? -
Lilo Avli
The flames shot straight up the bonfire and ignited three whole 25 foot leylandii trees. I had to call the fire brigade and felt a complete moron. It was "bonfire night" in November and the fireman said because it had been sunny all day, the tree was full of highly flammable sap. I have never had a bonfire since. My wife won't let me. Gotta laugh, hey ?? -
Beaker Five-O
Lol !! Bonfire Night !! What did the Fireman say to you ? -
Lilo Avli
He said, "You stupid ******* ****". Pretty fair I thought. -
Beaker Five-O
LMAO !! -
Linda Joy
I knew as soon as you said sap filled Conifer what was coming! LOL I bet that was scary though! -
Lilo Avli
Facing my wife after, yes, that was pretty scary.
Too many to list... so I'll go with .. pissing on an electric fence, when I was a kid. : )
Beaker Five-O
OMG !! Why did you do that....and what happened ? -
Ice man
Why ? Because I was a kid and little boys like to aim at targets to piss on. I didn't know it was an electric fence until I got the shock, but I figured it out in a hurry. lol -
Beaker Five-O
I think you are pulling my leg !! Would you really get a shock doing that ? I hope my boys don't do stupid things like that, but they probably do !! -
Ice man
Actually the story is true and yes I got zapped. -
Beaker Five-O
LMAO !! Any lasting damage to your "wedding tackle" ? !! Did it turn black ? ! -
Ice man
No scar tissue & it didn't turn black ... but it hurt like hell for a while. -
Beaker Five-O
I'm sorry for laughing, but you have made my day. Thank you !! -
Ice man
It was my pleasure. ; ) -
Linda Joy
getting married at barely 18 years old was definitely the stupidest thing I ever did! But along the lines of the other stories I decided to try and recharge a D cell battery One Time by plugging it into 110 volt Outlet it hummed for a couple of seconds and then exploded! It blew chunks of black stuff all in my hair and all over the place. I was about 13 at the time and my battery charger had quit working so I tried to improvise
Beaker Five-O
I got married at 19, which was stupid, but fun at the time !! Have you managed to wash all the "black stuff" out of your hair yet ? -
Linda Joy
Of course! And the red paint, and yellow paint, and.... and...
taken jobs that didnt work out
Archie Bunker
What seems to be the common denominator with your job losses? -
Pearl Lederman
people discrinninate cause inn short and cant reach stuff and then let nne go, stuff like that -
Archie Bunker
I'm sure that you're probably not being let go because you're short. Look at all the jobs you've lost and find out what is the same in all of them. I'd bet that your stature isn't one of them. And on the off-chance that it is, maybe you should look for a job where you don't have to reach stuff. -
ive done that too
Got married. Again.
Listen to ignorant people who will not attempt to educate themselves.
Back in the day, I was leading this pro motorcycle race (flat track) at an area fairground. I had won my heat race and semi final. After leading the final race, I felt my engine sputter-------- out of gas!
i had shaved my hands with the used blade razer :/
Letting my older sister pluck my eyebrows, not a day goes by I do not regret the thin line I have left (& i did not help, I plucked them too)
Cry me a River
Also I miss the hair I shaved off my arms.. the hairs are there to help you be sensitive to your surroundings -
Linda Joy
An extension of the nervous system, like a bug's antennae. Have you ever googled why Native Americans don't cut their hair? -
Cry me a River
Wow, esp.... Just last night I was looking at their long black hair on bing images -
Cry me a River
Beautiful hair makes for a beautiful woman, well, kinda. Did you see the Native Am women and their hair that goes down to the ankles?
Answer dumb questions, that's for sure. lol
Because I distrust dentists, I tied a piece of string to the tooth that pained me and tied the other end to a cage-like lift. That didn't work, so I threw myself down the lift shaft.
Got married
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