I just realized the clocks I own don't even have batteries in them and my microwave doesn't display the time. I always just use my phone.
Linda JoyDo you have a wind up clock?
RoaringStill have one old alarm clock with bells on the top that you wind up. Don't use this one anymore, as the alarm on phone works fine and is more portable as well
Linda JoyI have one with what looks like bells on top but it doesn't ring it moos (it was a gift)
RoaringThat's more fun than a bell {: )
Linda JoyIt has a cow face on the face of the clock and it's white with black spots like a Holstein
This has a different meaning if you miss the "L" in clock.
Mr PantsFellDown
LOL. Well, yea some people might still have to do that them self too *shrug* -
I see a helicopter : D
I dont even wear a watch anymore. It's been years. I do regret having thrown out the 70's style clock I had, which was kind of "pre-digital" had pages that flipped, for the numbers...very "modern" at the time. Very 70's cool. I should have kept that. (Along with my Gilligan's Island radio (and a couple cars that seemed worthless at the time) :{
Linda Joy
I was never able to wear a watch without it quitting. I also had one of those flip page digital clocks! -
I still have an old wind up superman watch for kids that I wore in Elementary school. -
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